The job of a flight attendant or cabin crew is awesome indeed. It comes with a good number of opportunities for the people working on this post. In fact, youths are after it for its rewarding position. Besides, there are numerous advantages of being a cabin crew as well that you cannot imagine. This is one of the demanding jobs in the present day. But in line with the advantages, the job is challenging too and the challenges are of an extreme level. When you are unable to perform your duties in the right manner, you would earn a defame both for you and the airline you are working for. But comparing the risks, the benefits are more in this job. They flight attendants are able to fly across the world and without any tickets. Besides, they are enjoying many other enviable benefits. They have the chances to move in new places for their official purposes. And they can meet new people, come to know about new cultures and create a newer relationship with the people they have met in the new ...