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Cool things about being a flight attendant/ cabin crew

The job of a flight attendant or cabin crew is awesome indeed. It comes with a good number of opportunities for the people working on this post. In fact, youths are after it for its rewarding position. Besides, there are numerous advantages of being a cabin crew as well that you cannot imagine. This is one of the demanding jobs in the present day. But in line with the advantages, the job is challenging too and the challenges are of an extreme level. When you are unable to perform your duties in the right manner, you would earn a defame both for you and the airline you are working for.

But comparing the risks, the benefits are more in this job. They flight attendants are able to fly across the world and without any tickets. Besides, they are enjoying many other enviable benefits. They have the chances to move in new places for their official purposes. And they can meet new people, come to know about new cultures and create a newer relationship with the people they have met in the new places. There are definitely some drawbacks in this profession but they are nothing to the benefits it provides the cabin crews. Actually, the cabin crews get the maximum benefits from the airline companies as they are directly responsible for the development and growth of the company.

Cool things about being a flight attendant

The cabin crews find interest in the job even after working for 15 hours at a stretch as the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. In fact, it is really interesting to see the sunrise in a country and sunset in another. Nobody will want to miss such chances of travelling in countries. the other perks are also extraordinary and help to motivate the cabin crews to perform their duties perfectly. Besides, there are some other cool aspects available and based on the grounds the cabin crews feel themselves lucky.

The rest of the article will discuss the positive aspects of becoming a flight attendant. It aims to inspire the people and youths to inform about the specialities of this job. So, let’s start the journey to the unknown cools facts about the job of a flight attendant.      

Free global trips by air:

This is one of the most impressive benefits of becoming a cabin crew. If you consider the fact that you need to travel from one place to another, certainly you are to buy tickets for transportation regardless of your travelling modes. Without the transportation, it is impossible for any human being to travel even inside a city let alone in a foreign land. But the cabin crews are travelling across the world. But they do not need to wait for tickets in a queue for hours. They are allowed to board the aircraft and travel with the other passengers.

This is a great facility that many people are looking for. Actually, everyone wants to travel and wish to reduce their costs. So, they are after various offs and discounts. If the luck favours them, they get the desired discounts and often they do not get the discounts if they cannot move fast or approach in the right way. But the cabin crews are out of such hassles. They do not need to pay the airfare for themselves. They do not have the troubles of experiencing immigration complexities and more other issues. They can directly ride on the aircraft and with special facilities which are unavailable for the ordinary passengers.

Besides, the most important thing about the jobs is that the airline companies pay the cabin crews for travelling across the world. In return, the airline companies want the cabin crews should look after the passengers and other necessary matters professionally so that the passengers can have a smooth travelling experience with the company. This is a great advantage for the cabin crews. They are able to see newer places every day or when they are with the flight. They have the chances to enjoy foods from foreign countries and get to know about the cultures. Their experience becomes enriched.         

Hassle-free job:

The job of a flight attendant is almost hassle-free. The airline companies seek people who will demonstrate a positive attitude in all conditions. Though this is a classy job, sometimes the situations may go beyond control. At that time the flight attendants have to remain positive and solve the problems in a manner so that there are no such similar troubles again. The airline companies always want that the journey should be comfortable for the passengers. The cabin crews are recruited to make the journeys smooth and refreshing for the people on board. So, the cabin crews are expected to do some special duties that will bring a sense of peace.

For instance, the cabin crews are responsible for taking the initial care and providing the necessary service to the passengers on board. The services include helping the senior passengers, assisting the passengers in adjusting the seatbelts, serving foods and drinks, serving blankets or other necessary materials and similar other jobs. These are the usual jobs that a host does for the guest. And there are actually not much labours included on the responsibilities. It appears that you are serving your guest at home. If the service is up to mark, the guests will be happy with you and will come back to you whenever they need your service.

But it cannot be said that the entire job is hassle-free. There are some occupational hazards are also related to the job. Sometimes, the passengers try to underestimate the service or demand something more that cannot be provided. At times, the passengers may also try to abuse the services and the situations may make you feel awkward as well. But those matters are irregular and if such things happen, there are people to take care of the issues. It appears that if you become positive and polite, you will be able to deal with the passengers smoothly and their experience with you will be a pleasant one.

Reduced flight cost:

The cabin crews also enjoy a reduced price for the ticket when they are not on duty. This is a great facility for them. When they want to pay a trip out of their country, they get some special discounts on the airfare. Besides, they also get some other special facilities which are only reserved for them. It really becomes difficult for the ordinary passengers to get some sort of discounts on the airfare. At times, the airlines provide some sort of discount marking various occasions. The discounts are available for both the domestic and international flights. Besides, the duration of such discounts does not last longer. So, there is always a rush for tickets with discounts.

But the cabin crews are an exception in this case. They will get the discounts round the year and they do not need to wait hours standing in a line for discounted tickets. This is a great advantage for them. The similar thing is applied to the family members of the cabin crews. The family members can travel with them by spending almost half of the costs than the real expenditure. Sometimes, the airline companies also provide free tickets for the cabin crews and their family members.

This is really convenient to have such benefits. Besides, another impressive thing about the issue that they (the cabin crews) may get the benefits round the year. There are no seasons or special times for the discounts to avail. It is done to bring a sense of diversity among the cabin crews. When they will visit various places, they will come to know about many unknown things and matters. And they can apply the earned knowledge for the betterment of the aviation company they are working with. On the other side, the travels become fun for the cabin crews and their family members. The experiences become unforgettable to them too.   

Luxurious accommodation:

The cabin crews are well familiar with the luxurious living style and standards. It happens as they are to stay in various star-rated hotels and take their meals from the similar places too. It is a kind of comfort that is not available for everyone out of this industry. The cabin crews become familiar with the rules and regulations of a star-rated hotel and how to deal with the issues there. This is an important matter for them. If they do not know how to respond in such situations, it would be a disgrace for the recruiting airline. So, they do not walk on that way.

The airline authority tries to provide the best possible facilities for their cabin crews. When they are out of the country, the cabin crews need to stay at nights before the return flight in the foreign lands. So, the airline authority hires the best hotels to stay, and it is free of cost for the cabin crews and other flight attendants. This is a great advantage for the cabin crews. Besides, the cabin crews get all the possible facilities of the hotel. They get the complimentary services, free wine and champagne in their rooms, complimentary meals and more. They do not feel that they are not paying for staying at the hotels.

As a result, the cabin crews become able to know about the services by the hotel authorities. This is also a kind of learning for them. They get to know about the rules and restrictions of a hotel and can apply some of them while they are serving the passengers. Besides, they also can enjoy the extra facilities of the hotels to refresh themselves like they can use the gymnasium, lounge and other amenities. The other most important thing about staying at the expensive hotels is that the airline authority wants to let them know that the company cares for them and thus they need to be more careful on their respective responsibilities. 

Great working environment:

The working environment in an aircraft is really interesting. In fact, it is not like the other ordinary offices where you will have your own desk or cubicle to round the clock. The entire aircraft is your workplace. You can work here as long as you want. But you have to ensure that you are providing the optimum services to the passengers. Besides, there are fewer chances for the cabin crews to be or feel bored. As you will remain busy with the services, you will not get the chance to become bored at all.

Besides, the working environment is funny and interesting too. You will get a very good amount of topics to discuss later. In fact, when you will meet the passengers, you will see a variety of people. All of them will give you different kinds of experience. As a cabin crew, you may discuss the interesting facts that you have noticed among any particular passenger or may laugh out loud based on any joke you have ever heard told by any of the passengers. So, you will not need to focus on work alone. You will have chances for refreshments too. But such facilities are unavailable in the other ordinary jobs and thus people do not find interest in doing the other jobs.

Moreover, the recruiting authority always recruits the best people for the position of cabin crews. So, you will have a bunch of well-educated and well-mannered teammates. They will be with you in all the possible situations. If you are in distress or experience any negative events, they will be with you instantly. This is actually not seen in the other jobs and everyone is busy there for themselves. So, everyone tries to get a job on the post of cabin crew so that they could enjoy the excellent working environment.

Standard lifestyle:

The lifestyle of a cabin crew is privileged. They lead a completely different life from the other people. There are various reasons behind having a modern and attractive lifestyle. The most prominent reason is that they travel in various places both in the home and abroad. So, they become familiar with the news cultures and customs. When they get back home, they are enriched with newer knowledge and try to apply the knowledge in their daily life. It helps to improve their regular life to a great extent. Besides, they also develop some fancy ideas about life and living while they travel countries.

As a direct result, they are in close contact with the rituals or a specific place and learns about the foods, living, geographical conditions, religion and many more. They become enriched with various types of information. They use the information for their own benefits and thus their living standard becomes higher than the other people. For instance, the cabin crews have the chances to shop in foreign countries. When they go shopping, they try to get the daily necessaries available in those countries but not found in theirs. They start using the foreign products and get the benefits of their job. It helps their lives to become standard.

Besides, the cabin crews are also highly paid for their services. With the smart payment and other facilities, they can lead a decent life. There are no issues with salaries and other benefits which are promised by the airline authority. Some of the organisations create unwanted issues regarding the disbursement of salary but there are no such troubles in the aviation industry. To maintain a standard lifestyle, the airline authority provides the salary for their staffs in due time and even some of them provide salaries before the expected date. So, the cabin crews need not worry about the issue. Their living standard remains unchanged as long as they are with the job.

Cool thing about being a Flight Attendant - Great Lifestyle

Striking uniforms:

It actually does not matter if you are a cabin crew or a pilot or steward, you will need to wear a uniform while you are on duty. In fact, this is a precondition to work with the aviation industry while there are flexibilities in other jobs about uniforms. But this is a must here. Many of you may think that wearing a uniform might be troublesome. There might be opinions about sweating inside the uniform or any other types of discomforts. But you do not need to worry about those issues. In fact, when you are with the uniform, you are safe from lots of troubles and will get a comfortable feeling too.

Usually, the uniforms are made with the finest fabrics. The designs of the uniforms are also attractive. Even some of the airline authorities assign famous fashion designers to design the uniforms for their airlines. In fact, the airline authorities try to create a brand for them and the uniforms are the representation of the brands. The outfits are always glamourous for the people who wear them.

Besides, there are variations in the uniforms. A uniform does not mean that you have to insert yourself inside a suit and boot. The aviation uniforms are stylish and attractive outfit for the crews and other staffs. They uniforms are made considering the comfortability issue of the aviation staffs. There are some tradition gowns or comfy combination of clothing is available as uniform. The cabin crews and other staffs feel glad to have them. In fact, the uniforms help to bring a gorgeous look on them that they had been desiring for so long. But the uniforms vary based on airlines. Some of the airlines want their staffs should wear suits while some other possess a different point of view in this regard. This is a great chance for the cabin crews to wear some special outfits.

Flexible Working Schedule:

The cabin crews are able to enjoy some flexible working schedules. They do not need to work round the clock. But sometimes they need to do some over works too. They actually follow the roster duty schedules. The duties are divided into rosters so that everyone can participate in their respective duties. It has some positive aspects too. When the responsibilities are divided into rosters, the cabin crews get the chance to serve the passengers in their preferred hours. It enables them to join the duties in a suitable time for them.

Besides, they are also able to switch their duties after their preferred schedule. For instance, some need to join at a family event on Monday evening but s/ he is to attend the duty at the same time. In such cases, the cabin crew may ask the fellow cabin crews to perform his/ her duty on that time and s/ he will do the one for them in their scheduled time. This is a great idea and benefits almost for all. If someone is unable to join the duty in the scheduled hour, there are such chance to alter the duties. But in this case, you need to be aware of switching the duties. Not everyone may be willing to do your job in exchange for another day. Again, there are frequent switches of such duties and so you will need to do it hurriedly.

The flexibility is offered to the cabin crews for some reasons. First of all, this is not a conventional job. The duties are not limited to 9 to 5. Sometimes, the cabin crews need to stay in the flight for over 14 hours and more. So, they need a proper rest and further preparations for the next flight. As a result, they need to remain busy always. If they are asked to attend the flight immediately the next hour or the next day after a flight, it would be difficult for them. Hence, the roster helps them to get a suitable flight schedule. Such facility is rarely available in the other ordinary jobs.

Big Responsibilities:

The cabin crews are not only there to serve the foods and beverages. They are there for some other reasons. They are highly trained and know how to survive in odd situations. They are trained in life-saving skills. So, when you are on board on an airplane, you can feel safe with them. In fact, the cabin crews have some other responsibilities as well. They know what to do in ‘situations’ and how to tackle with the adverse impacts. The majority of the people do not have the idea about their job description. Serving the people is only a part of their job, not the entire job.

The aviation industry largely depends on the cabin crews. In fact, the cabin crews represent the respective airlines. So, they need to be skilled in almost all the matters that may appear during a flight. They are trained to piloting an aircraft. There might be serious issues inside the aircraft and the cabin crews need to protect themselves and the other passengers. If they do not get the proper training to survive in the situations, they will be unable to execute their responsibilities. They endure the jet lag, remain hungry for long hours but serve you smilingly. They are even trained to deliver babies during a flight and also carry the necessary tools and instruments for the purpose. So, you need to keep something in mind that they are not your private steward/ stewardess and you need to behave yourself with them.

They have to take huge pressures when they are on board. They are entirely responsible for your comfort and safety. They will play the role of your rescuer when you are in danger during the flight. They are enabled to make the things happen which were supposed not to be done. But their training and hard earned skills help them to reach their goals. So, the usual idea about the cabin crew that they are on the aircraft to serve you tea or coffee and change they diaper for your kids is totally a misconception.    

Final words:

Certainly, there are some cool things in becoming a flight attendant or cabin crew. A cabin crew enjoys a good number of facilities. But there are two sides of each coin. They need to endure lots of stress during a flight. Besides, we all know that they are paid highly but they do not get paid until the place door is closed. It points that their working hour starts to count with the closing of the aircraft door and no matter if they arrive one or two hours before the flight. This is a type of disadvantage for them. They do not get paid for the extra hours that they work before the flight departure.

Besides, handling the unruly passengers is really a big deal. They need to apply force to bring them under control. At times, they need to deal with hijackers too and they even sacrifice their lives for saving the passengers. It appears that this is a great profession and linked with all the essential skills that are taught in forces. Therefore, being a flight attendant is really a matter of glory. There are some people who ignore the job and do not feel sympathy for the flight attendants. They actually do not have any idea about the job and its responsibilities.

The job is really rewarding and there are challenges too. So, before taking the decision to become a cabin crew, an applicant should think about it several times. Once you have decided to be a cabin crew, make sure you do not step backwards from your decision. If you can cross the barriers, you can go a long way and reach your goals. Wish your success in this journey to become a cabin crew.


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