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A look into the Qatar Airways Cabin Crew Recruitment Process

Qatar Airways is one of the leading airways in the world. The job of a cabin crew with this airline company is considered as one of the prestigious jobs. Many of the applicants try to attend the interview. The interview is completed in several phases. The interview might run for several days until the company gets the desired candidates.

Hence, it is very important for the aspiring candidates to get prepared for the interview. In fact, it is not only luck that will favour you in the interview and selection process. You are to demonstrate some of the skills and expertise that you own and be useful for the airline company. The article is based on the first-hand experience from an interviewee who is now working with the company.

The article is modelled with useful tips and tricks that will be helpful for the applicants for the post of Cabin Crew in Qatar Airways. The job is highly demanding for some reasons. The first and foremost important thing about the job is that it pays very well and comes with many other perks that everyone is seeking for.

A look into the Qatar Airways
[Image source:]


Here are the basics of the interview process--

First of all, you are to browse the website of the airways. You are to submit you detailed curriculum vitae following the standard procedure. If you are selected initially, you will be invited for an oral test. And if you can cross the oral tests, you will be asked to attend for further assessment. There are no specific deadlines of holding the event. The authority may set the calendar for your assessment and even it may happen in the very next day of the interview or after a few days or weeks. 

Assessment process:
Since this is an international airline company and runs across the world, it requires cabin crews who are skilled in some specific things like language, physical fitness and other necessary matters.

As the first step of assessment, you will need to appear in the English test. There are sets of questions like multiple choice, writing essays, grammatical corrections. Besides, to judge the analytical ability of the candidates, the authority will also provide some mathematical issues. You are to answer them correctly to be advanced in the later stages. Nothing to worry. The questions are really easy to answer. If you are well educated and have skills in maths, you can answer them pretty quickly and correctly.

In the second stage of assessment, there are some group works. The initially selected candidates will be set into several groups. Some questions will be asked and you are to answer in groups. The group which will do better will get the chance to experience the later levels.

The one to one part is also interesting. The applicant will have to face and interviewer alone. There will be some questions and you are to select one. Then you will have to describe the topic that is on the paper. If you can pass this stage, you are advancing for the advanced selection process. All these are done to measure your compatibility for the post of Cabin Crew. In fact, there are many unpredictable situations available in such a post and you are to survive in the situations. So, if you are not the fittest, it would be hard for you to survive during a flight.

The final interview is not that much difficult as you are thinking. It will not last longer. This is a quick process. It is only done when you are selected for the post of cabin Crew. The recruiting authority will ask you few personal questions or merely will look into your curriculum vitae. But you need to be prepared for any situations. The interviewing authority will ask you various questions, about your skills and expertise or weakness etc. If you can answer them perfectly, certainly you will have the job.

There are some typical questions during the interview process. Every applicant has to deal with them. Five sample questions and model answers of the questions are here for your convenience. 

Sample Question 1: Tell us about yourself.
Model answer: Well, thank you for the question. I have just completed my graduation from a reputed university in Paris and now seeking a suitable job for me. I live with my family in Paris and my dad is a government employee. My mum is a house maker and I have two other siblings. They are also established in their respective arena. I am the youngest of them. I am skilled in mathematics and English and love to socialise with people. My academic scores are very good and I am a quick learner. In my childhood, I used to take part in extracurricular activities and won many prizes for my skills in sports. I have got the highest CGPA in my class and this was one of the records at the department. In fact, none have scored so much before me. So, I was awarded for my outstanding results. I am careful about responsibilities and try to execute them smoothly. Besides, I am also skilled in organising events and in my university days, I have participated in many cultural activities. Now, I plan to look for a career where I could serve my employer and by the same time will grow and sharpen my expertise. This is me in brief.

Sample Question 2: Tell us something that you know about Customer Service.
Model Answer: Thank you for the question, Sir. I have little knowledge about customer service. My personal belief about customer service is to satisfy the customers or potential customers in all possible means by filling up their requirements and other legal needs within capacity. To be more straight, customer service is the way of gaining satisfaction for the customers. It refers to provide the necessary services to them in their needs. It might be assisting them when they need support. The types of customer services vary based on situations and types of business. Sometimes it may refer to provide any necessary information, as we take from the cell phone service companies. On the other sides, talking politely and showing gentle attitudes is also a type of customer service. The aim of the service is to provide the required service to the customers and at the right moment. Listening to their complaints and taking attempts to solve the issues is another part of the service. The people who are engaged with the service providing are commonly known as customer service provider or customer service executives.

Qatar Airways Cabin Crew Recruitment Process
[Image source:]

Sample question 3: Why do you want to work as a cabin crew?
Model Answer: Well, this is a great question to deal with. In fact, there are several reasons behind selecting cabin crew as my career. Firstly, I want a prestigious job that will be socially acceptable and will pay me enough to lead a standard life with my family and others. This is the job which is really prestigious and provides standard benefits to the employees. Besides, I want to exercise my interpersonal skills and expertise and this is the field where I will have ample opportunities to exercise those set of skills. On the other side, I am an adventurer by born. This is one of the jobs that is filled with adventures. I will be able to test the adventures and get delighted from the events. Further, the job of cabin crew allows the staffs to make new friends and good relationship with people. I love to socialise and this job will allow me to make new friends. Moreover, the job of a cabin crew also has some other positive benefits like it allows the employees to grow in a fast-paced environment. I will come to know about a wide number of things and issues. I can exercise the things for my personal skill development which I, ultimately, will use for the betterment of my employer. These are the key causes behind preferring the job of a cabin crew.

Sample question 4: What is your professional experience?
Model Answer: I am a fresher but I am a quick learner (as I said before to describe me). I do not have any professional experience in this industry for being a fresh graduate. But I firmly do believe that I would be an asset for the corporation where I will be engaged. I have the potentials of growing in any environment. I am able to deal with the critical situations, can take instant decisions, a very good team player, use my ready wits to solve problems, can communicate easily and effectively even with the strangers and many more. I hope I would be able to sharpen all the skills and set of expertise for the betterment of my employer. If I am employed on the position of Cabin Crew, I believe that I would be able to undergo all the responsibilities smoothly. Finally, with the passage of time, I will gain experience and serve my employer with complete loyalty and responsibility. 

Sample question 5: Why you want to work with Qatar Airways?
Model Answer: Well, Qatar Airways is one of a pioneer in the airline industry and business. In fact, this is a leader here. It operates across the world with an enviable reputation. Working here is a privilege for the staffs and other employees. Besides, I had been seeking an opportunity to work with such a reputed organisation where sincerity, perseverance and other skills are the keys to success. This is an equal opportunity employer and maintains a very good relation with the people who work for it. The working environment at this company is top class. There are no bad records of the company has been found so far. All the staffs and employees love their job in this airline. This is the key reason for preferring Qatar Airways. Besides, I want to work for a long time at any airlines. Qatar Airways allows it, employees, to work with it as long as they want unless there are any serious issues found. The management and authority of the company are also adorable and most importantly they care for the employees which is not that much visible in the other airline companies. All these issues have made me decide to work at Qatar Airways.     

This is the standard procedure of Qatar Airways recruitment process for the post of Cabin Crew. This is one of the leading aviation company that has been dominating the industry for a long time. The key to success is the employees of the company. Each of the employees loves to work with Qatar Airways for numerous reasons. The top most important thing about the job is that it is a well-respected job around the world. Besides, the job allows the staffs to enjoy the working environment in line with other benefits. The job of Cabin Crew is a well-established one. When someone gets the job, it appears that they have reached their dream.

But before getting the job, as an applicant, you will need to follow some procedures and prove your worth amid thousands of other candidates. If you can demonstrate yourself clearly and have a little luck, you can certainly be the winner of the post. Qatar Airways intakes fresher candidates in different times of the year. You need to look at their website or other job seeking websites for the job vacancies. Apply in the proper manner, attend the interview, show your skills, the luck will reward you with the job.


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