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Become a Flight Attendant - Steps involved to become one of them

Have you ever thought that you will fly through the air for free of cost? At the same time, you will enjoy many special benefits for your contribution to the airline. Yes, I am talking about the benefits of becoming a flight attendant. This is a life that is sought by many people not only for its benefits alone. It has a charm too. It is a diversified job. For instance, you are in the USA in the morning and find yourself in Asia or Europe at the end of the same day. So, this is really fascinating. The positive aspects of becoming a flight attendant are really exciting. This is a profession that is filled with thrills and adventures. On the other side, you are to execute your responsibilities as well.

If you cannot carry on your responsibilities perfectly, you will be unable to carry the post for a long time. But that is a different story. People now focus more on getting the job. In fact, with the increased population across the world, it is gradually becoming difficult to manage a suitable job unless you are highly skilled in something. But it is a regret that everyone cannot be the master of everything. And thus they seek different profession based on their merits and skills.

But this is a job which is available for those who have some sort of real-life skills in handling various issues. Besides, this is the job that requires a special set of skills, expertise, ready wit, smartness and some other special qualities which are not available to the ordinary people. So, when someone tries to get the job of a flight attendant, s/ he needs to be skilled in some particular matters and demonstrate their skills and expertise to the authority before getting the job.      

Due to be modern features and benefits the job of a flight attendant is a good one and many of the people are after it. But not everyone is able to get the job who apply for it. There are some process and steps that one needs to follow in the course of becoming a flight attendant. So, for being a flight attendant, you will need to know the entire process.

The article is aimed to share the basics and in-depth knowledge and issues related to being a flight attendant. Here, we will come to know about the basic things to be a flight attendant like why this is popular among the young people, how it benefits them and the overall process to be followed for your success on the post of a flight attendant. A detailed discussion goes on here to make you informed on everything you need to know to be a flight attendant. 

Why everyone wants to be a flight attendant? 

So, let’s begin with the popularity issue. We will try to know Why the job is so famous at present. In fact, this is a famous job around the world. Why is this job so popular than the other jobs? This is a great question and I think it has crossed the mind of everyone who is reading the article or have some sort of knowledge about the flight attendant jobs. The job is popular for many reasons. Some of the identified reasons are as followed

  • Adventurous job
  • It pays very well
  • Flexible hours
  • Lots of travelling chances
  • Insurance facilities (medical, life and dental)
  • Retirement perks
  • Performance bonus
  • Paid holidays
  • Special treatment
  • Discounts on tickets and cruise
  • Real-life trainings
  • Leading a standard life and more others.

It appears that based on the points, the youths are in love with the job. And thus they try to be a flight attendant. For some of the youths and people, this is a dream job that they have been dreaming for years.

Become a Flight Attendant - Steps involved to become one of them
[Image Source: Pinterest]

The most important fact about the job that it offers the benefits which are almost unavailable in the other jobs. Most of the jobs have hassles and working hours are not fixed. By the same time, there are no payments for working extra hours. As a result, people become reluctant in performing their duties. But the scenario is different here. The flight attendants are in love with their jobs.

Due to the extra perks and benefits, they never leave their jobs. Instead, they try to focus on the job and be skilled gradually. They prefer the job as the benefits are outstanding and they are satisfied with the facilities they are entitled by the airline authorities.

Basic competencies to be flight attendant:

Well, this a great issue to ponder on. In fact, you cannot apply for the post of a flight attendant if you do not have some special qualities. Besides, the airline corporations also want their flight attendants to be smarter, skilled and intelligent. To be frank, the flight attendants are considered as the key to success for the airline companies. The rules and regulations of the selection criteria vary based on companies. Here is the basic information that everyone should know before applying for the post of a flight attendant.

Age – To be a flight attendant, you should be matured enough to take care of yourself. So, the potential applicant should be at least 19. But some of the airlines seek some skilled cabin crews. In that case, the matter of age is flexible. There are flight attendants working with different airline companies who have crossed their 50s.

Height – This is one of the most important issues to consider. You should have a standard height before applying for the position. Actually, there are no ranges for height but the flight attendant should be at least about 5’ and should not cross 6’4”. The height between this range is considered as standard. But the range is different for both the males and females. 

Clean background – When you are applying for a flight attendant post, you should have a clean background. The aviation industry does not prefer candidates with criminal records. Some of the airline companies have flexibility about the issue. They consider it for 10 years. It points that the applicant should not have any criminal records for the past 10 years. If the rule is violated, the application will be cancelled automatically. 

No tattoos - The applicant should have no tattoos. Though this is the matter of a personal exercise, the tattoos should not be visible at all. If the applicant has tattoos and that is exposed, this should be considered as an excuse to cancel the application. So, the applicant should be careful about the matter.

No piercing – There should be no piercing on the body of the applicants. But they may wear small ornaments like rings and earrings which are decent and makes them look good. Since this is a decent job and deals with a good number of issues, the applicants should be clean. 

Assertive – Assertiveness is one of the major aspects for the flight attendants. They have to be assertive. In fact, if they do not speak with the passengers and be introvert, it would be difficult to perform the duties. Besides, when a flight attendant is assertive, s/ he can move forward with a helping hand for the passengers and the other people who are in need of them.

Flexible attitude – It is not certain that all the passengers or the employers will always be good with them. Based on situations, the attitude to them might be changed. So, the flight attendants have to be flexible in attitude. They need to adjust to the situations and deal with them smoothly. They have to be proactive instead of showing a reaction.

Professional – The post of a flight attendant requires extreme professionalism. No personal issues should be brought into the light. They have to be professional in all terms.

Multitasker – The flight attendants have to be skilled in multitasking. In fact, a flight attendant has to be skilled in various types of jobs, and most of the cases, they are to do several tasks together. Hence, if they are not skilled in multitasking, they won’t be able to sustain for a long time in the profession. This is one the basic competencies for a flight attendant.

Basic Training as Flight Attendant: 

After the basic competencies, you will need to know about the training. Before applying for the position of a flight attendant, it would be beneficial if you have the training of a flight attendant. There are specialised schools available who provide a professional training on becoming a flight attendant. The training is focused on the following issues to make you an expert flight attendant.

Safety issues – The matter of safety is the prime concern for the aviation industry. The flight attendant schools usually provide all types of safety issues which are exercised during the flight. In fact, the flight attendants are primarily responsible for taking care of the safety of the passengers.

Communication skills – Communication plays an important role for a flight attendant. They need to know communicate effectively. Hence, they need a proper training on communication. They need to use language and other necessary tools for communication and ensure that their message has been clear and understood by the receiver. So, you may also need to know a couple of international languages as well.

Aircraft configurations  Another important issue to consider for the post of a flight attendant is knowledge about the aircraft configurations. This is important in this sense that the flight attendants need to be ready to operate the aircraft. If they do not have any knowledge about the aircraft they are boarding, the wouldn’t be able to fly it in the case of necessity. So, the training should also include the aircraft configurations as well.

Customer service skill development the flight attendants have to grow skills on customer service development. In fact, they are the crews of an airline who will directly come into a close contact with the passengers. So, if they do not have the right skills to deal with the customers, they won’t be able to be successful in the career.

Airline terminologies the language and terms used in the airlines is a bit different than our usual terminologies. The terms have innovative meanings and used to indicate various types of situations and as responses. So, the flight attendant has to be familiar with the terminologies used in the aviation industry.

Know the geography having geographical knowledge is a must for a flight attendant. In fact, if the flight attendants are unaware about the local and international geographical knowledge, they would feel some troubles when they are on a foreign land.

Know the time this may sound weird to everyone. But there are some issues regarding time. Some of the countries follow the daylight savings method. A flight attendant needs to know the fact and adjusts the watch accordingly. They should also know the 24hours clock and other necessary issues regarding time. Otherwise, there are lots of chances of miscommunication and also unwanted events may take place with them.

First aid training every flight attendant should know about the first aid training. This is a part of their preparatory activity and they should be skilled in this. First aid training is a necessary part of their training and helps to save lives during the flight.

Know your emergencies the flight attendants also need to know the emergency procedures. In fact, emergency situations may arise anytime and they need to know how to respond to that situations and what to do to minimise the risks. If they are aware of the issues, they would be able to handle the emergencies by the right way. 

These are the training basics that a flight attendant school trains to the aspiring flight attendants. But the training is not limited to and the flight attendants have to gather experience in every moment so that they could provide a satisfactory service to the passengers and their other customers.

Extras for the job:

You know the basics about the position, you are well trained about the duties and responsibilities. It appears that you know the basics. And prepared yourself for the job. But despite fitting in everything, there are some other hurdles you have to experience. There are some clear indications about the recruitment process. Most of the airline companies have their specific demands about the post of a flight attendant. Some of the personal requirements for getting the job are mentioned here.

Good appearance – though looks or appearances are not everything, they have many things to do with the job of a flight attendant. A decent appearance is a must for the job. Dealing with various types of people require a very decent look. With the attractive look, you would be able to win the attention of the passengers and they will also obey the directives you provide them.

Cabin Crew Victoria- Good appearance
[Image Source:]

In this section, the flight attendant needs to have some specific things. Firstly, it is about the hair. The hairs should not be artificial. Besides, no external colours should be used in hair. The hairs should be natural and professional.

When it is about jewellery, the airline companies are a bit strict in this case. They allow only a minimal amount of jewellery for their flight attendants. Using wristwatch is allowed but that should not cross the decency limit.   

Arm reach – the arm of the flight attendance need to wide enough to cover a minimum distance. If the arms cannot reach a certain distance, the flight attendant would be unable to meet certain conditions. Often they need to open the overhead lockers or boxes to place baggage or other stuff. If they cannot reach the lockers, it would be an awkward situation for the flight attendant. 

Clear hearing and vision – situations may compel the flight attendants to see things at distance. If they do not have a clear vision, they would be unable to see the things which might appear crucial for the passenger and aircraft safety. Besides, their listening capacity should also be up to the mark. This is one of the most important physical attributes they need to have.   

Adaptable – often you need to work for long hours. Besides, there might be situations that you do not like in your private life. But when you are on the board of an aircraft, you might experience such situations and need to adjust with them. You might need to change the diaper for a baby or take care of it, and many such activities that you did not do before. You are to be adjustable. You need to be caring and sensible by the same time.

Punctuality – this is the other personal trait that the flight attendant recruiters admire. If you are not punctual, you won’t be able to continue the job for a long time. Your career will be transient. A good number of examples can be cited in this case. For instance, you made late, the flight departed for the destination. You have nothing to do while your colleagues are to manage your absence during the flight. If you were punctual, certainly you had not to experience such a matter. 

Finally, it appears that the tasks of a flight attendant are not easy. In fact, they are more difficult than the ordinary jobs. If you make any mistakes, you might have to pay a bigger price than you imagine. Hence, a flight attendant always needs to be active, smart and use the smartness and ready wit. The situations are unpredictable. So, the flight attendants need to be careful in every moment when they are on duty. They also need to prove that they are the best.  

Now we will discuss the further steps to be a flight attendant. But before that knowing the duties during a flight of the flight attendants, in brief, will help get some ideas about their job responsibilities.

  • Preflight briefing: to know about the flight details like flight duration, flight routes, passenger information cabin conditions etc. 
  • Inspecting the necessary tools and equipment
  • Safety equipment demonstration
  • Taking care of passengers in their needs
  • Serving foods, drinks or beverages
  • Coordinate in emergencies
  • Make the flight comfortable for the passengers
  • Rechecking for flight landing 
  • Any other tasks on demand

Some of the tasks are completed before the flight takes off while some of the tasks are done during the flight. Hence, performing some tasks on the ground and pouring drinks about 35000 feet above is not the same. The flight attendants need to gain the required skills for that.

Become Cabin Crew - How to Apply
[Image Source: Pinterest]

How to apply?

Applying for the job of a flight attendant is one of the important tasks for the aspiring flight attendants. Usually, the large airline companies provide recruitment circulars on their websites. Besides, the job seeking websites also often ask to submit applications for the position of flight attendant.

This is a really easy task if you have the right knowledge about applications. Firstly, you have to make a list of websites or airlines you are going to apply for. Then browse them one after another. Sort out the websites. Have a look at the job descriptions and match with your own skills and expertise. If everything thing goes okay, apply for the post.

Most of the airline websites ask the candidates to submit their necessary information of the table. Besides, they also accept the curriculum vitae copies in different formats. After providing the necessary information on the website, you may also attach your academic certificates (if asked). Once the application process is done, get out of the website and wait for the invitation.

Recruitment process:

The standard recruitment process for a flight attendant is easy to understand. Almost all the airline companies follow the following method but there might be some exceptions.

Step 1
If you are matured enough and own the necessary skills, you will be invited for a formal interview. The interview is held in a couple of stages to judge your worth. You will be informed of the second level when you are done with the first one and definitely have a good score. Generally, the first step is a written test while some of the airline companies also take oral tests too.

Step 2
In this second step, you will be interviewed by the higher authority and some analytical tests will be taken to judge your skills for the position of flight attendant. If you are experienced, the process will be easier for you. But if you do not have any experience, it would be tougher for you to comply with the situations. But investing your smartness and ready wit, you can get out of those and place your sign of success. 

Step 3
In this stage, you are to undergo some medical tests. Your vision, hearing and overall health are scanned properly. If you can pass the test, there are few obstacles on your way to success.

Step 4
This is the last stage of the interview for the post of a flight attendant. The higher authority wants to sit with you and discuss some issues like salaries and other benefits. There are chances for negotiations. If you can negotiate, you will have the chance to work in the finest environment and also can enjoy numerous benefits. 

So, you are still reading the post? Thank you so much for the continuation. Here comes the concluding part of the article. And here I will describe the entire process in brief for your better comprehension.

Things to remember –

-    Know your job
-    Get the right training
-    Prepare yourself
-    Seek the chances
-    Apply appropriately
-    Attend the interview
-    Be smart, show your talents
-    Be professional

It is true that the employers always seek the right candidate for this job. The responsibilities are challenging and only the skilled get a chance here. Hence, if you are aspiring for the job, arm yourself with the latest know-hows, apply them in real-life and be a leader in the job and the best employee of the industry.   


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