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Some drawbacks to consider before becoming a flight attendant

The job of a flight attendant is really awesome. It has thrills. It provides the best facilities that anyone can get. It allows you to travel with some special benefits that the ordinary people do not have access at all and much more. But have you ever thought that every coin has its two sides? Have you ever wondered how long a cabin crew is to work for in a day or during a flight? The answer simply is a ‘NO’. Actually, nobody cares for the opposite aspects when they have the privileges before them. But once they are involved into the job or profession, they realise how difficult it is to deal with.

People, generally, are habituated to get the advantageous impacts of anything. In fact, they are tending to ignore the disadvantages. But it is not possible to ignore the disadvantages. And it would be wise to get a job by being completely informed about the pros and cons of the job. But most of the cases, the scenario is different. The applicants apply for the job only by checking the benefits that they will have. They do not check the entire job description or about the part of responsibilities.

This is a key cause for many of the youths to fail in a career. They do not know their jobs completely and once they are assigned with responsibilities, they give up and leave the job. Consequently, they cannot sustain in a job for a long time. It takes more time than usual to come back on the track. They remain behind in the career race. Finally, the blame the luck for which they could not become successful in their career. But the reality says the opposite story. They become unable to deal with the situations and thus they give up hope about the job despite the benefits.

Drawbacks to consider before becoming a flight attendant

If they had the ideas about the complete job description, or they have focused on the assigned responsibilities, they could have shined in their respective positions. Unluckily, they are amid a rush and want to grow hurriedly and consequently they fall victim of different realities.

This article is about the disadvantages of being a flight attendant, better known as cabin crew. The article describes the cons of a flight attendant so that the applicants can have a clear idea about the positions. Definitely, the post is a rewarding one and if you can execute the duties, you may work for long years with the position. But if you are unaware about the cons and only charmed with the pros, you are going to make a grave mistake.

Thereby, the article aims to let you know everything about the job of a flight attendant. Hope it would be helpful to you.

Starting salary – there are misconceptions about the salary of flight attendants. Many of the people think that the flight attendants get a huge amount of salary, but basically, this is a rumour. This is not true in all the cases. When a person begins the career of a flight attendant, s/ he does not get a very smart amount of salary. In fact, it takes time for them to get matured on the job and get a good payment.

This is a universal fact for any of the profession. With the passage of time, you will come to know about every detail of the job. You will be an expert and hence, you have the chance to shine in the career. So, when you are getting involved with the profession, you should keep one thing in mind that you cannot expect a large amount as salary in the early part of the job. If you expect more, you have to be frustrated.

Certainly, you will get the other facilities that the senior or your colleagues will enjoy during or after a flight. But the issue of salary is a different thing. The airline company will pay you after your skills and expertise. If this is not your first job, you may expect a higher or smart figure. But when you are a novice, it is quite natural that the salary won’t be a smart figure. You have to adjust the amount. After gaining experience for a couple of years, you can expect that the salary will grow. If you can switch your job to other airlines, of course after passing at least five years with any reputed airline company, you can expect to have a better salary.

So, this is a disadvantage that many of the fresh cabin crews experience and since their expectation is not fulfilled, they become frustrated their performance level declines and they give up the job.   

Standby situations – it may sound weird to many that a flight attendant needs to standby all the time. Though it is strange, this is a true event for the flight attendants and sad as well. The duties are scheduled based on the necessity of the airline or based on the flight schedule. But they need to remain standby for many reasons even if they are not scheduled for a flight. This is a great disadvantage for being a cabin crew. You always need to be prepared for an unexpected flight.

Why does this happen? Actually, there are not straight answers available for the question. It happens for numerous reasons while none of them predictable. For instance, you work for a reputed airline authority and suddenly you are asked to be at the airport with a notice of 20 minutes. This is tough to manage. You were sleeping and it was 3.00 am in the morning. The authority asked you to attend the flight as it experienced some sort of troubles. There are chances that someone missed the flight schedule for sickness, death or any other mishaps. But the flight should be continued and you have to be there to support the team. 

Another example may make the issue clearer. You work as a flight attendant, and on the way to your duty, you experienced an unwanted situation. You become injured and cannot move for the flight anymore. In that cases, what is your primary duty? Of course, you will inform it to your superior official. The official has to arrange for a cabin crew who will replace you in the flight. The superior might ask someone who was not scheduled to the flight on that specific date. But s/ he has to attend the call. This is the system.

So, you don’t know about the future and thus you have to remain standby or as a reserve force to serve during the flight. This is one of the disadvantages. You might be busy with your own tasks and been asked to join the airport within next 20 minutes. Many of the cabin crews become unable to meet such responsibilities and lose their jobs.

Be on time – If you are a flight attendant, you have to be more than punctual. In fact, being ahead of time is appreciated in the aviation industry. But it has some demerits too. As a human being, it is not always possible to do all the works following your watch. There might be late for unintentional reasons. Besides, if your luck does not favour you, you may experience many other issues and events that will make you late to reach the airport. But being late for your duties is not considered as something good for your career. Rather, it helps to bring you down.

Generally, the flights are destined for places and there is a specific time for departure. Since the cabin crews or flight attendants have to arrange everything for the flight, they need to be at the airport before the departure hour. They need to conduct pre-flight checking, knowing about the destinations, arranging the foods and other beverages or drinks, cleaning the aisles and seats, checking if everything is in order and much more. So, all the activities take a time to be completed and hence, the flight attendants need to be at the airport around one and a half hour before the flight departure.

Failure to attend the airport in time may create troubles for the other flight attendants. Actually, every flight attendant is responsible for certain tasks. When someone makes late to arrive airport in time, the other flight attendants have to complete the tasks which were assigned on the flight attendant who made late. They may perform the tasks but it is inconvenient for them. Besides, it also wastes time for them. Thereby, being at the airport at the right moment is essential.

But it really becomes hard for many of the flight attendants to be there in time. I won’t say that everyone makes late by their will, but they fall the victim of the situations and need to adjust with everything even if they do not want to. 

Passenger dealing – dealing with the passengers is another important task that the flight attendants need to do. In fact, this is the most important task for an aviation company. If there are no passengers, there are no business. And if there are no business, there are no needs to hire flight attendants, pilots and other service staffs. This is a chain that makes everything happen. If a part of the chain is broken, it means the other parts will be ineffective. Hence, the flight attendants need to be careful about dealing with passengers.

In most of the cases, it is found that the flight attendants are extremely polite and caring to the passengers on board. Why does this happen? There is a reason behind this extra care. the flight attendants want that the passengers should feel at home. They do not allow the passengers to feel any sense of discomfort. As a result, the passengers are pleased with the service that they get from the cabin crews. In fact, they are the people who represent the airline company. So, if the service is good and they feel comfortable, the passengers believe that the airline company is taking a great care of them. So, they fall in love with the company.

But not all the passengers are the same. A large number of people are on board during a flight. The flight attendants have to deal with them by all possible means. Sometimes, they need to do the things that they haven’t done before. For instance, they need to carry the baggage for the passengers, need to take care of the kids, changing diapers for the small kids is now a common trend, serving them with foods and beverages and many more. On the other sides, some of the passengers might get rude unnecessarily and create a chaos. In fact, these all are the part of their duties. They are to handle the matters with great care as it is all about the name and fame of their recruiting airline company.

So, even when they are insulted, the flight attendants need to be smiling and deal the matters professionally which is really hazardous and hard indeed. This is a notable disadvantage of becoming a flight attendant.      

Loneliness – Yes, this is true for a flight attendant. They need to be very busy when they are on duty. But when the duties are over, they have to pass time in loneliness. It is really troublesome to manage people in your needs. When you are spending leisure hours, it appears that the other people are busy in their respective tasks. So, it is a matter of great trouble to be lonely.

For instance, a flight attendant does not get off days like the other people. Definitely, they are paid for the service. But it should be remembered that they are humans too. They need to socialise and maintain their families. Their family members expect their presence in different times. But they cannot provide the necessary times to spend with the family members. For meeting the customer needs, they are out of the home. Their lifestyle changes to a great extent. So, when they are at home, it is a bit unusual that they will have the chance to meet the other family members. They may not be available. In fact, there is a clash of off days between the family members and the flight attendant. Hence, they are to spend lonely hours.

Besides, it is not always possible for them to be at home to attend any ceremonies. They may not get the preferred schedule for attending such events. It is also a pathetic issue and most of the flight attendants have to beat them smilingly. They become lonely is such hours and it becomes a regular routine for them to be lonely in times when everyone else is busy.

So, if you are planning to be a flight attendant, you have to keep in mind the issue that you would be unable to socialise except your community. If you have the mental strength to bear this loneliness, you can move ahead with your profession.

Hamper's personal relationship – this is a universal human nature that humans are fond of their near and dear ones. If they love someone, they try to always be with the beloved person regardless of gender. But when you are working with an airline company, you have to provide priority to your profession than any other things in the world. You might be asked to attend any emergencies either at your office or have to take sudden flights. This is real trouble for those who want to manage their families and personal relations.

If you cannot afford time for your near and dear ones, to be more specific – for your wife, family members, kids, boyfriend or girlfriend, the relations become thinner. They start to complain against you and there is finally a misunderstanding between you and them. They do not want to know about your occupational hazards or engagements. They want you to be with them in time. And you are unable to do that. You cannot manage time to spare with them for the call of your duty. You have to spend more hours out of the home, particularly in the air. Therefore, the relationship levels experience a downtrend which may result in split too.

To live in the society, you need to meet with other people. To lead the regular life, you may need to engage with them in different activities. But if you are working as a flight attendant, you would not get enough chances to be a smart socializer. You will be unable to keep promises and meeting deadlines with the other people. Some of your well-wishers will understand your business while the remaining people will develop a negative image of you. In fact, missing the deadlines about something is the precondition to deteriorate a relationship. You will lose your favourite people. Ultimately, you are to create your own solo world where everything will be evolving around you.

The toll that the job will take is priceless. The consequences are unimaginable. This is a great problem that most of the flight attendants suffer from. Many of them quit the job only to continue their relationship and this is found more in female flight attendants. To meet the needs of their families and husband or of boyfriends, they give up the career.          

Flight delays – this is a very familiar term in the aviation industry. All of the staffs in the industry including the flight attendants are familiar with it. It refers the delaying of a flight. The delay may happen for many reasons. The flight may make delay to fly from one airport to another, or the flight many make delay to land for unwanted reasons in the airport. Whatever the reasons are, flight delays are really boring. The flight attendants have nothing special to do in this time. Rather, they need to take care the passengers for the extra hours. They have to answer the queries from the passengers about the delay and other issues.

Usually, the flight delays happen suddenly. And there are not precautionary notices about the delays. So, when a flight attendant arrives at the airport about one and a half hour before the flight departure, s/ he is to wait for hours. This is a wastage of time. besides, unless you start working during the flight, you will not be paid. So, the hours are completely a waste of time for the flight attendants. Besides, there are no ways to prevent the flight delays as they are all on a sudden. Thus, the flight attendants have to bear with such an unwelcome issue.   

Most of the flight attendants pass the time by gossiping or chatting on online networking websites. In fact, the flight delay becomes a happy event for those who do not understand the value of time. Further, there are not specific limits for flight delays. A flight delay is not the issue that could be solved in minutes. It may happen that you have to wait for a day to start your duty on the flight or end the duty. You don’t know when it will be over. So, you are to wait for an indefinite period. For the reasons, many of the flight attendants do not find such flight delays interesting at all.

Backbiting – in this material world, politics is everywhere and found in all possible forms. The aviation industry is not an exception. The majority of the flight attendants and cabin crews are involved into backbiting. They form groups and spread rumours against any specific crew or attendant to demean him or her. This is a very bad practice in this sector. But when you will try to remove the issues, you would be unable to do that for some reasons.

First of all, the group of backbiters are strong. When they form the group, they also develop some rules and principles for themselves. When they are attacked or feel insecure, they involve the other members of their groups. It helps to make them feel stronger and take revenge against anyone. But the entire issue is kept hidden from the public. And unless you are a member of the flight attendant community, you won’t be able to comprehend the presence of this backbiting issues.

Sometimes, the issues become larger and may lead to internal troubles for the flight attendant community. They key aim of such activities is to establish influence among the others and dominate some matters. In all of the cases, the backbiters become successful in reaching their goals. And if you do not take part in this process, there are chances that you will fall victim. So, it does not matter if you agree with the tradition or not, you have to take part in the process in order to survive in the career.

Final words:

These are the usual cons of becoming a flight attendant. You have to be careful about the issues. If you experience any of them in your career, you have to deal with them smartly and intelligently. Being rude or letting others know about the disadvantages will not help you much. Rather you are to suffer in the long run for your foolishness. Hence, this is a good idea to be aware of the disadvantages and plan in advance to handle them technically so that you will get rid of them and by the same time your career will suffer no spots.

Hope reading the article will give you some ideas about the disadvantages of a cabin crew that they undergo in their professional life. Before taking the decision to be a cabin crew, it is really important to know each and every detail about your job lest you do not regret in the end of the day.

Wish your all success in the career of a flight attendant.


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