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21 checklists to become a cabin crew/ flight attendant

The job of a flight attendant (also known as cabin crew) is a dream for many of the aspiring, fresh and educated youths. They want to start their career in this renowned profession but the majority of them fail to get chances as cabin crews for some specific reasons, including the lack of knowledge on how to apply, what skill set is required and so on. The most important issue is that they do not have any clear idea about the requirement for this job. Rather they have some imaginary concepts like the job pays more than any other job, the job is secured and also provides a wide number of perks to the job holders and so on. To some extent, they are right! But they do not get the whole picture and have some misconceptions. They are not completely aware of the duties and responsibilities of a cabin crew and when asked why they want to become a cabin crew, they would say I have a passion for this job. Should not you know more about your passion? They only have heard about the benefits the job brings to the people who why in the sky but not about the criteria and quality they need to fly higher! The aim of this post is to give you a clear idea about the requirements to join this job and what it likes to be a flight attendant or a cabin crew. So sit tight and continue reading...

Expectation VS Reality!

Of course, this is a great job for the talented and ambitious youths. They can build up a magnificent career on this track if they know and follow some of the rules and regulations. This is a highly sophisticated job and comes with some special benefits and advantages which are not available in other professions. However, there are reasons why this is probably not  the best job for you. So, the demand of the job of a cabin crew is flying higher than the expectations. Thereby, a large number of educated youths are on their way to kick off their career as a cabin crew. But the primary reason behind their failure is that they do not have the right guideline to apply for the position. They are, in fact, unaware of the requirements for the position and apply randomly with an ambition to be a legendary flight attendant someday.

But if they follow some simple steps and well-prescribed guidelines, they could reach their dreams easily. Actually, a good number of airlines have been seeking for candidates for the post of cabin crew to take care of their passengers on board. Unfortunately, they do not get the right candidates. By this way, a misunderstanding is being developed among those who apply for the post. The applicants are on the view that the aviation agencies are unwilling to recruit them or they might have recruited internally. But this is a false allegation against the airlines. They recruit the very best people for the job, and if you want to have the job, you are to prove your worth. This is the real fact.

Becoming a Cabin Crew - Expectation VS reality
[Image source:] 

What this blog post covers?

This blog post here is solely aimed to provide with the necessary and detailed information about the issue. Each information provided in this blog post will dedicatedly help the aspiring candidates who want to be a cabin crew. The blog will discuss all the requirements and guidelines to serve on the post of a flight attendant. In fact, this is a comprehensive blog post that will help your dream job come true. It is expected that if the guidelines provided here are followed in the right manner, and if you are lucky enough to represent yourself in the desired look and form, the chances to get the job is more than the other ordinary candidates for the similar position.

Here are 21 checklists that will help you assess your candidacy, develop and implement the ideas to prepare yourself for holding the post of a flight attendant.

The checklist...


1. Physical Fitness:

This is the most important issue to be considered for the post of a cabin crew or a flight attendant. If you do not own the required level of physical fitness, it is unnecessary to apply for the post as it would be a wastage of time and labour. Physical fitness is the thing which is the most necessary to perform the roles and responsibilities of a flight attendant. Almost all the functions of the post are related to the physical fitness. Sometimes, you are to carry a heavy load or carry the luggage of a passenger or even you are to help carry the disabled passengers to board or get down from the aircraft. If you do not have the physical ability, you would not be able to perform the duties as they are expected to be done.

Moreover, without a physical fitness, the cabin crew will not look smart. S/he would be unable to perform almost all the necessary things. In fact, the post is for those who are physically fit and do not have any troubles in dealing with activities that require physical labour. Though the performance of physical labour is not a must, the flight attendants have to be ready always if they need to invest their physical labour. Considering the perspective, the airline authorities are in search of people who will be physically fit for performing that aforesaid tasks. If any cabin crew or flight attendant applicant’s physique does not comply with the requirements, the authority would most possibly deny the applicant.

The first and important factor is that the cabin crews are to fly on the air. So, they need to be stronger than the ordinary people. Sometimes, they might be in some unwanted problems during the flight, and they are to cope up with the troubles without compromising. If they are physically unfit, they might fall victim of different undesired events, and may also get injured for the lack of physical fitness. It may happen that everyone inside the airplane may feel sick for high altitudes and lack of oxygen. If the cabin crews are physically unfit, they will be unable to control the situation. Besides, physical fitness is also required for many other aspects during or after a flight. In a word, you must be able to perform things naturally without the help of others with your physical fitness.

Hence, if you plan to build your career in this track, check that you have the required physical fitness. If you do not have the required fitness, you might develop it and the best way is to have some regular exercise and proper diet.

2. Age:

This is another important factor for applying for a cabin crew position. Though there are some aviation companies which do not have any restriction on the age of their cabin crews, particularly the airlines of the UK for the Age Discrimination Act that was formulated in 2006 to remove all the disparities regarding age in workplaces, majority of the airlines have set an age limit for the position. The minimum age for application on this post ranges from 18 – 21. They have set the age limit considering a number of aspects although there are some exceptions where the maximum age is considered to 50 years.

This is a very good decision from the airline authorities. Here I explain the importance of the minimum age requirement. The airline authorities seek for youths who are filled with fresh blood. They look for the best people who could serve the authority for a longer period and they pick the youths between 18-21 as this is the tender age. The youths of this age could be transformed into at any shape. They are filled with vigour and enthusiasm. They have many other positive aspects as well.

When a man or woman of over 35 is asked to do something for the passengers on board on the airplane, they might feel embarrassed. As a result, they will be unable to provide the best service to the passengers and in the long run such attitudes are unfavourable for the airline agency. But when it is about a youth of 18 or 19, they easily can perform any of the tasks and they will not feel shy to do so. They will accept the things positively which ultimately will benefit the airline company. Besides, the youths are eager to learn newer things. So, the less the age is the more the chances of shining in this career. If you have some experience in the related field, your age might not be a problem. However, it is recommended that always check the age requirement before you apply for the job.   

3. A Positive Attitude:

This is the second most important aspect to be a flight attendant. This, in fact, determines whether a candidate can do the job and serve the passengers regardless their age, cast, creed or colour. The cabin crews should be determined to show positive attitude during the flights. They have to perform all the necessary responsibilities and in some cases, they are to perform some extra duties as well. For instance, due to air sickness, a passenger might start vomiting inside the airplane. The cabin crew is responsible to clean the surrounding area, take care of the passenger and provide the necessary medical assistance to make the passenger feel good in the journey. Only a positive attitude is required here than any other skill.

If the flight attendant is unwilling to clean, it will prove his/ her negative attitude and this may even lead to the removal from the post. Overall, it can create an embarrassing situation for the airline authority if a flight attendant possesses a negative attitude. So, this is a must for the cabin crews to remain positive. Besides, if they show any negative or harmful attitude to the passengers in any situation, the consequences may go a long way and bring a disaster on their career. They may lose job primarily and as a punitive measure; they might be declared incompetent forever. This is a highly important issue for the cabin crews to follow.

Certainly, they are to undergo some unwanted situations during the flight. If they can remain positive, it will be beneficial for them. But if they show any sort of negative attitudes to the passengers, all their past good deeds will be forgotten. They will be penalised to some extent. Besides, remaining positive also shows their patience. This is also a testimony of their temperament – how they can control their emotions in different ‘situations’. This is an exceptional quality which is also effective in other real-life situations.

During your interview and screening period before joining any aviation company, if you fail to show that you possess positive attitudes, you will most probably be rejected. So, before applying for the position, be sure you are ready to do such things to make the passengers feel comfortable during the flight. Your positive mentality would be tested during the interview session and that is why you should always show a positive mentality during your interview.  

4. Height:

The airlines prefer cabin crews with a moderate height. But they mostly like their potential cabin crews to be within a standard height that is considered between 5’2 to 6’2. This height is measured without shoes. Height is a necessary physical feature for the flight attendants. Height is, in fact, a feature of great importance. If the cabin crew is below the prescribed height, there are chances that the crew would not be able to perform some specific tasks including reaching the overhead safety equipment when needed. The job of a cabin crew is the combination of some specific tasks, and in some cases, the tasks are unspecified for them. They are to apply their ready wit, height and physical strength to take over the situation.

So, when they are physically fit and have a strong physique, it is proven that most of them are able to accept and overcome the unseen challenges. The minimum height 5’2 is for the females. Usually, the height of female differs based on regional features but the prescribed height is ordinary in all the countries. If the height of any female is over 5’2, she will more possibilities to get involved with the job than the women who meet the minimum requirement. The same theory is applicable for the males. If someone is over 6’2, the airline company will grab the applicant. They have prescribed 6’2 for maximum height but it does not refer that the will not accept applicants who exceed the height limit.

They will appreciate such height as this is an important factor for being a cabin crew. Sometimes, there are some passengers who try to create unnecessary troubles with the cabin crews, particularly with the female air hostess, and in such cases, the male cabin crews come forward to take control over the situation. Their exceptional height makes it easier for them to get the control. (I'm trying to be humorous here, but I guess you got the idea.)

5. Extended Arm Reach:  

Aviation companies seek for cabin crews with a proportionate height and physique ratio so that they could use their extended arms for different purposes. Basically, the flight attendants are to perform some of the specific tasks like lifting up luggage of passengers, stand and reach the top of the luggage ports inside the cabin, help the passengers to board the plane – especially the old, disabled and young passengers, reach the overhead safety equipment and much more. So, they are in need of an extended arm reach so that they could complete the tasks smoothly. It would be a matter of great regret if they fail to provide any of the supports required and that is why aviation companies look for the proper arm reach of an applicant.

Generally, the people with a tall figure comes with the extended arm reach. In some of the airlines, the authority wants their cabin crews to reach around 212 centimeters without shoes by extending their arm. In this case, they should not wear any shoes to reach the desired level. If they can only reach the distance standing on their tiptoes, they will be considered for the post. So, before you apply for the flight attendant's post, check whether you can reach 212 centimeters or more without using your shoes. Some of the airline companies greatly consider the arm reach of the applicants and in that case, they take a measurement of the arm reach by keeping the feet on the floor. Then the applicants are asked to touch a certain height which over 6’6. If they fail to touch the height, their applications might not be approved. Again, some of the airlines want their cabin crews to lift up a certain amount of weight to a certain level. For instance, it would be 10KG to a height of over 160 centimeters keeping their both feet attached to the floor.

So, having an extended arm reach is an important requirement and the applicants should be aware of this before applying to any airlines.

Requirements to be aflight attendants
[Image source:] 

6. Weight and BMI:

It unusual that a cabin crew would be fat or unfit unnecessarily. The proportion of the weight should be in line with the height of the cabin crew. Even some strict measuring systems have been invented to define the Body Mass Index (BMI). According to the BMI, the proportion of the weight should be proportionate to the height. The calculation is done by dividing the body weight in kilogram and then dividing the square of body height in meters. In fact, if the BMI is imbalanced, there are chances of less control over someone's movement and prompt physical reactions. Most of the cases, the cabin crews are responsible for serving the passengers and maintaining a balanced environment inside the airplane which includes promptly taking actions that require physical fitness.

But if the cabin crew or the flight attendants have an improper BMI, they are not supposed to play their roles perfectly. The corridors inside the airplane are not that much spacious and often the cabin crews may require doing several works together on that narrow corridor. In such case, it is quite natural that an attendant with a flawed BMI may fall in danger. S/ he may get imbalanced to perform the duties.

To make the issue clearer, an excessive healthy female flight attendant is unable to distribute snacks or drinks inside the plane perfectly as she will be unable to move in a free manner (No offence!!!). She might get smashed with the seats while distributing the snacks or may not handle the drink tray in her hand. In a word, the situations will become troublesome for her. The same issues may happen for a male attendant. So, it is important to have the right BMI for the flight attendants.

If you are planning on attending a test on the post of a flight attendant, before going to the test venue, check your BMI if it is okay or not. Physical exercise and proper diet can again help you to a great extent to achieve the desired BMI (Body mass index).

7. Personal Appearance:

This is another important issue to be considered when applying for the cabin crew/ flight attendant post. Usually, the aviation companies seek for those who are perfect in terms of personal appearance. Here, personal appearance refers to some specific issues or traits that should be followed strictly during a flight. Even there are guidelines to follow the appearance and strict punitive measures are mentioned if the guidelines regarding the personal appearance are disobeyed. This is a must for each of the flight attendants to follow. Besides, the personal appearances are also required to make them look more beautiful and attractive.

There are some common places found in the human body where hairs are grown and nothing to be worried about this. This is quite natural. The places like the nostril, ear, underarm etc. could be noted here. Hairs of such places should be removed carefully so that they are not visible in public. They should regularly remove the nostril hair as when the hairs come out of the nose, it looks ugly. Besides, they should also clean their teeth regularly so that they look natural. Sometimes, there are some unnatural spots found on the teeth and it mostly happens as the teeth are not cleaned in the right manner.

In fact, such issues are considered as the practice of personal hygiene. The airline companies want their cabin crews to practice the issue in an effective manner. Actually, it looks unusual when someone is serving you with a glass of juice during the flight, and you find some extra-large nails filed with dirt on the hands of the attendant. Or it also looks weird when a female attendant is unable to smile perfectly for her filthy teeth. So, a list of such requirements is made by the airlines so that their cabin crews could be presentable among the passengers which consequently will be beneficial for their company. The flight attendants are to follow the personal appearance guidelines to the extreme limit.

So, before you apply for the post of a cabin crew, make sure you are able to follow the guidelines. If you are unable to maintain the rules, or unwilling to cut your nostril hairs or nails, it is imperative for you not to apply for the post of cabin crew. Moreover, these are the things your interviewers will be looking at when you appear in front of them. Make sure you are perfectly fine with your appearance when you face your interview. A slight carelessness on your appearance might get your dream shattered!  

8. Haircut and Style:

The haircut is the other important issue to be considered for the post of a cabin crew. Usually, the haircuts are required based on the height and weight of the flight attendants. If they flight attendant is a female, the haircut should be stylish and modern. If the flight attendant is a male, it should be nice and appropriate for his height and weight. Usually, the long hairs are discouraged among the cabin crews, except the females, as it does not bring a smart look. Having a long hair often makes them look non-professional. But to maintain the business and make profits, professionalism should be maintained by the airline company.

The airline company, in fact, wants it cabin crews to look smarter than anyone else and thus suggests to get the right haircut. The haircut should also go with the face. Usually, long haircuts are discouraged and small or moderate haircuts are encouraged so that the look of the cabin crews be a pleasant one. They also ask the cabin crews to get the haircut in a regular interval. Traditionally, the hairs of women are kept longer than males but in this case, they are not allowed to keep the hairs so much longer. They actually want styles which will make them look better than the ordinary women and also will make them professional in a formal environment.

9. Makeup:

Makeup is an important element of beautification for the flight attendants. But it should be kept in mind that the makeup should be used to make them look fresh and lively, not to entertain the passengers. Traditionally, the makeups are used by women and men are less prone to use the makeups. But in certain cases, the male cabin crews are to take some light makeups to make them look better. On the other sides, the female cabin crews are also directed to have makeup but that should only aim to look them better. They should not wear a heavy makeup which may irritate the passengers.

Sometimes, the makeups come up with some unusual smells. When you are serving a passenger, s/ he might be irritated with the spicy makeup smell which consequently may have a negative impression on you and the airlines you are working with. Besides, wearing excessive makeups never makes people prettier rather it brings an unpleasant look on the face. As a result, the passengers might not feel comfortable to ask for any support or service from you. The same statement is applicable to the case of male flight attendants. They might be in need of some light makeups such as simply a puff of face power or a hair gel to keep the hairs on line etc. In the case of females, they should use lipstick, lip liners, eye liners, light eye shadows etc. to bring a soft look.

They should also keep away from using excessive makeups on the face. One thing should be kept in mind that they are on the airplane to serve the passengers on board. They should get a pleasant look and this is only makeup which can bring the desired look on the face. So, they should be careful in wearing makeups. Even some of the airlines come up with guidelines on using makeup during a flight. They flight attendants are to follow the makeup guidelines.

Thereby, if you are reluctant to follow the makeup guidelines, the job is not for you. If you have the mental attitude to obey the rules and directives provided by the airline, then you can apply for the position.

10. Remove Your Tattoos!

None of the airline companies is on the view to admit having tattoos on any of the place of the body for their cabin crews. Using tattoos is strictly forbidden here. Similarly, piercing is also forbidden here. The airline authority does not want any imperfection on the body of their cabin crews. Whenever you have tattoos, you need to pierce your body. Besides, when you pierce your ear, nose, lips or any other parts of the body, you are to go under surgeries or the other necessary process which cuts your body. This is, in fact, inappropriate to the airline authority and even they are reluctant to call for attending an interview of such candidates who have tattoos and piercing.

In fact, tattoos bring a negative look for the people who use them. The airline authority does not want its people to look negative which will result in their business loss in the end of the day. So, they seek applicants who are gentle looking, smart and do not own such unwanted tattoos or piercing. The airline companies do not want that the tattoos should be exposed through the uniforms worn by the cabin crews. Besides, some of the airlines are highly strict about the tattoos that if someone covers the tattoos with cosmetics or makeups, they take disciplinary measures against those staffs. Actually, it is expected that the cabin crews should look stylish and they could be so without using the tattoos or piercing themselves.

But if someone does not agree to remove tattoos, in that case, the tattoos should be covered up in such a manner so that those could not be visible. The tattoos should be covered with proper undergarment matching with the uniform colour. Besides, having tattoos on feet or wrist is not permissible in all cases.

Are you worried? Yes, this is a matter of worry if you have tattoos with you. If you really want to build up your career on this specific track, remove your tattoos or piercings at once. Those who do not have any types of tattoos will be preferred by the airline agencies. It appears that a tattoo is a great barrier to your success in the long run. So, if you are determined to build your career in this track, clean yourself.

11. Uniform:

Usually, a uniform is the representation of any specific airlines. The marks and logos are often embroidered with the uniform to make people know about the identity of the airline or about the company. Besides, the uniform creates a difference among the passengers and the cabin crews. So, when an air hostess or a cabin crew wears a uniform, they look different from others and of course they look smart with their respective uniforms. Most of the airlines suggest wearing white shirts and any other pants or skirts as the uniforms. But those attires should be worn in the right manner and the badges should be used perfectly on the designated spots on the uniform.

The length and width of the uniform should be perfect after the guidelines of the authority. The measurement may vary but some issues are found in common. The uniforms must be decent. While using skirts, that should not go above the knee while using pants, that also should not cross the ankle. If the airline authority demands that the cabin crews or attendants should wear a tie, then the tie should be knotted in a prescribed manner. Jewelry is basically forbidden for the males with their uniforms. But in some case, they may wear light pieces of jewelry like a light bracelet or a chain or a watch golden in colour.

Women flight attendants should avoid jewelries which could have a clash with their uniform. Usually wearing heavy jewelry and other accessories during a flight is discouraged as those may have some conflicts with their uniform and badges. Besides, some of the airliners have issued an order about specific ornaments and jewelries such as earrings should not exceed 1½ inches in diameter etc. Moreover, the ornaments should be light and matched with the uniform colour or composition so that they bring a charming look. Everything should be moderate to raise the beauty in such a way which will bring a sense of fascination among the passengers but not allure them to create some physical interaction.

12. Physical Exercise:

To turn yourself as a flight attendant, you have to take regular exercise. All types of physical exercises are required to make your body fit. Being a cabin crew, you are to travel in different parts of the worlds. Physical capacity is a major issue to consider here. if you do not have the right amount of physical capacity, you will be unable to survive in any unwanted situations. It is only physical exercise that helps to increase the physical capacity of the cabin crews. Different sorts of physical exercises are available and the cabin crews should take the one that suits them.

They are to be able to swim, run or in some cases lifting the weight. All these are required for their job. They are to be able to swim for at least 20 meters and for some airlines, the range is more. Besides, while swimming, they will not get any external help. They are to complete the task alone. This is also a kind of test for them to make them fit for the post. When they will have exercise, it will make the able to undergo physical labors. It is not a must for them to perform physical labor always, but if they are trained to do so, it would be better for them in the long run. They would be able to survive in any annoying situations by dint of their physical labor. And if they are unable to bear the loads, they will fail to survive. This is the crude reality.

Therefore, if you are looking for a job of flight attendant, you have to get some regular physical exercise. If you can bear the plights of physical labor, a bright future will wait ahead for you.

13. Mental Strength:

The cabin crews need to be mentally stronger than any other people. In fact, this is a challenging job. In most of the cases, the cabin crews or attendants are to pass their time in the air. By the same time, they are to remain busy in serving the other people or passengers on board. So, it becomes difficult for them to look after themselves. Actually, they cannot manage time to care for them. If they belong to weak mentality, they would be unable to continue the job for a longer time. Here weak mentality refers to the mental conditions that cannot accept the changes easily or cannot adjust to the situations. It becomes difficult for them to cope up with the negative situations.

It is impossible that everything will go perfectly. Sometimes, there will be deviations on the situations and may need some brave people to battle with the detrimental impacts. For instance, an airplane may crash on a river, or on a jungle or on an uneven land. The situations will go worst. In that situation, a cabin crew is responsible for taking care of the injured passengers or for themselves. But if anyone of them loses the common sense with the shock, it would be difficult to control the situations. Negative events may happen and this is quite natural. But if the flight attendants are unable to play their roles in such situations, they are likely to prove their incompetency.

So, the airlines seek for people who are mentally strong enough to handle any type of conditions on behalf of the airline authority. If they cannot handle any critical situation, it is expected that they will bring defame for the airline agency. As a result, the business will experience some unbearable shocks in different terms. Thereby, the airline authorities do not take risks to recruit someone who is mentally weak or lacks the courage to prevent any situation.

If you consider yourself as courageous and mentally strong, you can apply for the job. People who pretend to be strong but turn the most afraid one in ‘situations’ are highly discouraged to apply for the post of a flight attendant.

14. Education:

Luckily the airlines do not want a higher degree on any specific subject for its cabin crews. The majority of the airlines want their flight attendants to cross the secondary school level. In fact, people who are highly educated or have severe heavy degrees do not prefer to come in this profession. They believe that this career is not for them. So, they simply avoid the way of flight attendant career. But the number of such educated people are limited and thus a large number of less educated or youths with the minimum education try joining this profession. In some points, they exceed the success of the highly educated people who once made negative remarks on this profession.

The cabin crews are only in need of some particular skills that will help them to shine in their career. If they can read and write to a certain extent, it is considered that they are able to execute the rules and responsibilities. Besides, they are also provided with some real-life training so that they could turn in to the better human resource. It is to be acknowledged that in line with the formal education and degrees, the value of real-life skills is not inferior. Rather, the real-life skills turn more valuable in some points of life and even they are able to change the course of life. For instance, you are highly educated but you lack the skills of swimming. On the other side, the boatman is uneducated and unskilled. You are on the boat. If a sudden storm appears, who is going to survive, you or the boatman?

Mere a bookish knowledge is not always enough to help people survive. So, the airline underscores on the real-life issues than having an excellent educational background. So, if you are less educated or have the minimum requirement prescribed by the airline authority, you may take a chance. Only luck is not enough to get the job, rather you are to prove your worth that you would be able to perform all the duties in the right manner. You have to pass the test stages and other aptitude tests. If everything is well with you, there are chances to be a flight attendant for any reputed airlines. Your education level has fewer things to do here.

15. Language Skills:

To be a successful flight attendant, you are to learn several languages. Language is the key to communication and if you do not have the command over the language, it is expected that you will fail to communicate with the passengers. As an international language, you must be able to speak, understand, write and read English properly. Sometimes, you need to be perfect in terms of pronunciation of English while communicating with the native speakers. But sometimes, you might be in need of some other common foreign languages which are also required to communicate with the passengers speaking those languages.

A successful communication mostly depends on how effectively the language is spoken or how spontaneously the message is delivered to and by the speakers. So, learning a couple of more language will help you to be successful cabin crew. It should be noted that not every language is essential for communicating with the passengers, rather the best idea is to learn about the languages which are mostly used by the passengers. For instance, if your airline is bound to Germany, there would a large number of Germans will be on board as passengers. It is natural that some of them will be unable to communicate in English. So, if you speak English with them to know about their conditions or requirements, there are chances of some misunderstandings. So, using The German language is the best way to communicate with them. If you know German and have a good command over the language, you would be successful.

Flight Attendant or Cabin Crew - Labguage Skill
[Image source:]

Besides, it is an excellent idea to have some courses in foreign languages and there are specialized institutes available to make you skilled on a couple of languages in a short time and at a reasonable cost. It is wise to make a plan to learn some foreign languages if you really want to be a successful cabin crew in your career. Basically, some of the common languages are required for the position and the most notable languages to be learnt include English, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, Bengali etc.

16. Married or Single?

This is a great question to be answered. In fact, both the marital statuses are applicable for the flight attendants but in terms of certain conditions. If you are experienced enough and have passed a long time with this career, being married is acceptable. But if you are a novice and seeking options for building up a career in this track, it is unexpected that the airlines will allow you to get married before you are on the job. Actually, the airlines recruit flight attendants who are tender in terms of age and it is unexpected that a male or female of 18 will be married. Some of the airline companies believe that when the flight attendants get married, it becomes difficult for them to focus on the job for numerous reasons.

But getting married is not an obstacle for the post. When you will be matured enough and be able to deal with the familial issues in line with performing your duties perfectly, you can get married. To reach that level, you are to spend a couple of years on this track. Then you will find the issue of marital status relaxed. But if you are just entering the profession and get married even before being recruited on the job, it is naturally expected that you would be unable to execute your duties in the right manner. As a young man or woman, you would be thinking and be dreaming of your family and consequently, the service level will decline.

On the contrary, a matured cabin crew is able to take care of every issue and never loses concentration from the professional responsibilities. They are able to maintain everything smoothly without hampering any of the professional issues. So, the issue of marital status is a bit relaxed for them. But some of the airlines are strict on the issue and they even do not want their flight attendants to get married or pregnant within a certain period of time after they enter into the job.

Though there are lots of options available for the issue of getting married, the best idea is to get married once you are in the job. Then you will have fewer restrictions on your marital status.

17. Vision:

This is another important issue to be considered for the post of a cabin crew. Usually, the cabin crews are expected to have a 20/ 30 vision. The vision should be clear and without the use of any glass or contact lens. The necessity of vision is a must to see the things at distances. The cabin crews might be in need of looking for something that is a bit far from their reach. If they are unable to read the writings or see the desired objects, it may cause trouble for them. So, your vision should be able to see the things in the normal range but in some cases, the vision should be clear to see things at distance.

Besides, the vision of the potential candidates for the post should not be blurred and they should not take any external help like wearing spectacles or contact lens to have a clear vision during their duties. Often the cabin crews are to assist with the pilots on different issues and if their vision is unclear, it might result in serious trouble for the passengers and even for the flight. So, having a clear vision is a must in this profession.

If you are afraid of your vision or do not have a clear vision, it is imperative to consult an eye specialist to deal with the incompetency. In fact, presently it is nothing to get worried if the vision is unclear. With the use of some special medications and a certain time of using lens or spectacle, you can increase your vision. Make sure you are okay with the vision before you apply for the position of flight attendant.

18. Smile a lot:

It does not matter what goes inside your mind, to shine in this specific position of cabin crew, you are to smile. It is globally considered that smile the best way to win hearts, and in fact, the cabin crews are to win the hearts of the passengers with some cordial service so that the passengers could be with the airline for a long time. Actually, the face without a smile does not look pretty and often is termed as the sign of discontent. But to be professional and skilled in this profession of cabin crew, the potential applicants have to practice smiling. They are smiling always and even in the worst situations, they are to keep a smile on the face and deal with the adversities.

Besides, smiling has some impacts on human nature. Genetically, humans love imitating. So, when someone smiles, the other party smiles back and thus a cordial relation is created automatically. So, when the cabin crews have smiles on their faces and they offer the smile to the passengers, an invisible bond is created among them which is a must to shine in this particular profession. It creates a cordial relation among the passengers and the cabin crews and this is also beneficial for the airline company as well. It helps to gain reputation.

So, it strictly should be kept in mind that the cabin crews are the representative of its respective airline company and it is their duty to increase the fame of the company which will also benefit them in different other terms. So, they are to be professional and keep smiling during the entire flight. If you are unable to smile a lot, start practising it immediately. You can stand before a mirror and check the type of smile that suits you best. Hope you would be able to attract the attention of the recruiters.

19. Be a Team Member:

Countless people want to be their own boss. Well, this a very good personal trait. But in some specific situations, they cannot be their boss. They are to work in a group or team. In fact, being alone in those cases if risky and may cause detrimental impacts. This an important fact for the case of cabin crews. When you are on board on a flight, you cannot do whatever you want or sit idly during the work hours as you are not feeling comfortable. But this is a profession where you would have no chances to practice your personal or emotional issues. You are to be professional if you want to ride on the ladder of success. You are to be a team member.

Yes, it is often irksome to participate with the people you feel uncomfortable with but you are to do it considering your career. You have to be flexible in every term and care for others than yourself. You will find a lot of complexities but instead of being bored with the situations or people, you have to learn to enjoy those. Being a team member, you will meet people of different tastes and it will help widening your outlook. You will learn to be patient on every issue. But sometimes you are to be outspoken as well to place your opinions.
Moreover, working in a team has some great benefits. You will have the chance to exercise all the human qualities to support your team.

Besides, all the team members remain united and could come to help others in all sorts of distress. It creates a strong bond among the other team members and they share a lot of things. You will be glad inside when any of your team members will be with you when any passenger will try creating a ‘situation’. They will take you out of the danger and handle the issues in a professional manner.

So, if you are not in the mindset to be a team member or work in a group, you cannot be able to be a professional cabin crew. Despite few demerits, the merits are more effective for being a team member. It is wise to change the outlook and be a team worker to shine.

20. Multitasking:

How many works can you do at a time? Can you talk and eat together? Or are you able to walk and pass the newspapers to the passengers? This is a serious matter to consider before applying for the post of a flight attendant. If you are unfamiliar with multitasking, try to know about it. In fact, multitasking is nothing special. You have to be able to do several tasks together. Inside an airplane, the cabin crews need to perform a lot of tasks and they execute them perfectly. How it becomes possible? The answer is they are multitaskers. They can do several tasks together.

They are liable to help the passengers to wear the seat belts to even helping them to get off the plane. By the same time, they perform the task of carrying the small luggage for the passengers whom they are carrying to the exit. Besides, they are also to remain busy for communicating with several passengers together. Each of the passenger demands priority and the flight attendants have to handle all these things within a short time. So, if they are not a multitasker, they would be unable to handle all the activities smoothly.

If you are planning to be a flight attendant at any airline company, try to be a multitasker. Unless you are able to deal with each of the tasks with the same attention, you cannot be a skilled cabin crew. Usually, the cabin crews who are working in reputed airlines, they know how to deal with several issues together. But they had to struggle in the beginning to be a multitasker and now they are reaping the benefits of their labor. Hence, if you lack the habit, start practising it from today.

21. Confidence:

This is last but not the least. To turn yourself as a flight attendant, you are to be confident. In fact, confidence is the key to success. If you have confidence in yourself, you would be able to do anything which is possible to be done. If you lack confidence, you will have a bunch of excuses to show behind your failure. So, the most important thing is that you have to be confident. You have to believe in yourself. When you are confident enough, you will find it easy to do everything. Or if you lack the quality, the world will turn cruel to you. Your luck will have separation with you.

Formerly, histories have seen a large number of events which have been won by dint of confident only. The people who had confident that they will win, in reality, they have won the issues regardless the issues being large or minor. So, you have to build confidence inside. Being physically fit, you may primarily get selected for the post of a cabin crew, but if you lack confidence, you will fail to cross the training barriers. Usually, the cabin crews are to undergo a good number of difficult, indoor, outdoor and other real-life training to prove their worth against the post. The majority of the candidates are discarded as they did not have the required level of confidence among them.

Thereby, it is highly imperative for each of the aspiring cabin crews or flight attendants to have confidence in them. This not applicable for applying for this position only, if you do not have confidence in your mind, you would not be able to have the things done smoothly in the other parts of your life. Build confidence in you and hope it will help you getting your dream job.


To wrap up the blog post, it is a duty to inform you all that we are human beings. We have limitations. Similarly, the airline authorities are also aware of the issue and fortunately they are not seeking any superhuman for the post of cabin crew. Only using common senses, applying the earned knowledge from real-life situations, investing the physical abilities, and if the minimum educational requirement is fulfilled, anyone can apply for the position and can get the job smoothly. The write up will help the potential flight attendants and cabin crews to know about the post and how to grab the jobs. The checklists presented here have been made after a lot of research and analysis, and hence it is expected that each of the checklists would be beneficial for the potential cabin crews.

Win your luck!


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