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Body Piercings and tattoos for Cabin Crews -What the airlines think about it

The job of a flight attendant is really charming. It comes with numerous benefits for the cabin crews. In fact, the aviation company always takes care of its staffs who dedicatedly work for them. But there are some issues where the aviation industry is inflexible. It does not allow its flight attendants to pierce their bodies or use tattoos. The job is a very decent one and thus professionalism by the flight attendants is preferred here to the extreme extent.

Body piercing, using tattoos in different parts of the body etc. are considered as an art form. It is preferred by many of the people and in many societies, they are the sign of victory, strength and much more. In fact, they need the body piercing and tattoos to prove their worth. Without a special type of body piercing, they are not preferable to the other people of their society. 

But, the use of tattoos or body piercing is considered as the sign of nonprofessionals in the aviation industry. It is also may refer to something else that the aviation industry and the passengers might not like. So, they have placed a ban on using tattoos or body piercing. A good number of issues are related to this body piercing and tattoo issue. To get a job of a flight attendant, you are to follow some specific rules and regulations. Avoiding tattoo is one of them.

This article is all about the body piercing and tattoo. It describes the matters in details and hopes the texts would be beneficial for the applicants who are willing to participate in flight attendant interview or those who are currently engaged with the job with tattoos.

The aviation industry is a good place for business. Everything here is followed by strict rules and regulations. If there are violations of rules, the consequences may bring disaster in the entire business. The business shares may decline suddenly and a large part of the industry may be ruined too. So, the airline owners do not take any chance about these issues. And body piercing and tattoo are the most notable issues here. The industry wants their flight attendants to look natural and beautiful in an extraordinary manner.    

So, when the flight attendants use body piercing or apply tattoos on their body, they damage their skins. The skin undergoes several processes before the piercing or tattooing. As a result, the skin of a certain place looks ugly and loses natural beauty. So, this is another reason for the aviation industry from refraining its flight attendants from body piercing or tattooing.

Demerits of body piercing and tattoo:

Let’s discuss the demerits of body piercing and tattooing first and then we shall move to the aviation industry opinions about the issue. The aviation industry does not allow the body piercing or tattoos for some specific grounds, and the demerits are one of those.   

People may prefer to have a tattoo or pierce their body for many reasons. But this is a complex process and contains numerous health risks. They may appear beautiful initially but contains huge health damages and may also lead to serious health disorders as well.
    - One of the demerits of being tattooed or body piercing is a painful process. When the body piercing is done, the person gets serious pain in the part where it is being done. If the tattoo is permanent, the pain becomes unbearable. The skin loses its natural colour and becomes pale for sometimes. Though there are some parts of the body where we feel less pain, this is a completely opposite process. It will feel pain even if we take tattoo in the hardest part of the body.

­   - Maintenance of tattoo is another hassles. You will need to spend time and a notable amount of money for that purpose. Besides, there are some other restrictions as well about the tattoos. Some of the tattoos need special care and preservation process. So, when you are creating a tattoo on your body, it points that you are inviting some unwanted troubles at your home.
­   -  Elimination of a tattoo or body piercing is another complex process. Sometimes there are signs that prove you had tattoos or you pierced your body. In fact, you cannot remove the tattoo completely. Even if you can, it would cost you a lot. Besides, the removal system is also painful that everyone cannot tolerate.
    - Piercing is not suitable for any parts of the body. Some of the parts like face, ears, nose, eyelids etc. are extremely sensitive. Often there are accidents while body piercing in those parts of the body.

­    -   The tattooing and body piercing system are not completely hygienic. Most of the cases, same instrument or tool is used for piercing many people. As a result, there are chances of transmitting diseases from one to another.  
     - Body piercing is dangerous for cartilage. Sometimes the cartilages are seriously damaged for the piercing. Experts are on the view that the cartilages may get deformed for the piercing. Hence, it is better not to pierce the body.  
     -  When it is about tattoos, the machine punctures the body each of the time it pours ink to the skin. As a result, the skin layers are greatly damaged.

­     - Many of the people are sensitive in skin. There might be various skin disorders and allergies may also appear on the tattooed skin. So, people with skin disorder should keep away from the tattoos and body piercing.
    -  The pierced part of the body or the part that has been tattooed may burn severely. Sometimes, it becomes intolerable for the users.
  -  Body piercing is complicated for people with some other medical disorders. If the immune system is weak, it takes the time to heal the pierced part. Besides, there might be some other health complications as well for the piercing.

There are the usual detrimental impacts of body piercing and tattooing. But the number of impacts are many and since this is not about the cons of tattooing, hope to write about that some other day.

Why is it banned in the aviation industry?

This is an important matter to ponder. Let’s come back to the track and discuss what the aviation industry opines about the body piercing and tattooing. To some extent they are correct. The aviation industry is the place where various types of people come and take their service. Hence, this is a must for the industry to make everyone pleased in all possible means.

This is well known that you cannot make everyone happy. But the aviation industry tries its best to make everyone happy to a standard extent. And so far, it has been successful in satisfying their clients. They recruit the flight attendants from the very best people so that they could meet the demands and necessities of the passengers and other potential clients. In this is the case, selection of almost perfect people is a must and they spend huge time and money in this recruitment process.  

Here comes the issue of body piercing and tattooing. Almost all of the leading airline companies are against body piercing and tattoo. Some of them have motto – No Tattoos at All. With such mottos, they discourage the flight attendants and other staffs from getting tattooed. There are many other reasons behind this ban. Some of the notable grounds are explained here in a simple manner.  

Brings a nonprofessional look – in the aviation industry, and particularly to the role of a flight attendant, a good and professional look is a must. If you do not have the professional look, you will be unable to be with the people. The use of body piercing and tattoos on visible parts of the body brings an unprofessional look. The passengers and other people who require the service from the flight attendant do not feel comfortable with the look. So, this is not desirable for the industry and thus the flight attendant recruiters highly disagree with the issue of body piercing and tattooing. 

Offensive – it is true that not all the body piercing or tattoos are attractive. Some of the tattoos may appear offensive to any passenger. In fact, there are some ideas that only the bad people or people who do not have a very good relation with the society use tattoos to show their ignorance to the world. In such cases, they use some offensive tattoos to make people awkward. So, it may become the cause of fear for any passenger or may term it as offensive as well.

Looks weird – when you are wearing a white uniform, and there is a tattoo on your neck, it will look unusual. There would be no combination of the uniform and your personal appearance. On the other sides, using such tattoos are also unwelcome passengers on board for many reasons. When the flight attendant will have an unusual look, the passengers or other people will feel discouraged to take assistance from such a crew.

Deforms body – Aviation industry worships the natural beauty. Have you ever noticed that all the flight attendants are almost perfect? They have less imperfection than others. When you pierce your body or get a tattoo on your skin, you are actually deforming the body and your employer will not take it as a simple issue. You are the key to success for the company and if you cannot provide the service, it means the authority has to experience a huge loss. On the other hand, you are getting a deformed body. Hence, it is discouraged to a great extent.     

Uncomfortable for the staffs – certainly you will not want that people will look at you and observe some of your private parts of the body where you have tattooed or pierced. But when you do so, the passengers observe the parts and feel uncomfortable. The situation is similar for the flight attendant as well. It is really uncomfortable when people will look at you for longer times and unnecessarily while you are serving them. Some of them might ask you some uncomfortable questions too. So, the aviation industry is against body piercing or tattooing.     

How tattoos and body piercing identified?

The issue of tattoos and body piercings are identified during the initial interview. The interviewers ask the candidates about their body piercing and tattoos. If the candidates admit that they have tattoos with them or they have any types of piercing, the airline authority asks them to remove the tattoos or remove the piercing.

Some of the candidates, who really want to work with the airline and on the post of a flight attendant, nod at the proposal. But there are some other people. They do not agree with the orders from the airline authority about the removal of tattoos and body piercing. They do not get the job. This is simple.

But there are no chances to play hide and seek in this case. Some of the candidates might think that they will hide the tattoos from the authority and enjoy having the thing. But it should be kept in mind that your strategy will be exposed during the medical checkups. If you intend to hide your tattoos or piercing, you actually cannot hide it from the doctors during the final medical test.

Hence, this is best to admit the tattoo issues. If they are not larger in size or may be covered by some ways, the authority may consider it as an exceptional event and allow you to keep it. But if the tattoo or piercing is larger and visible or you are unable to cover it with your uniform, then the authority will ask you to get rid of it.  

What to do?

The best way is not to have tattoos or body piercing if you intend to be a flight attendant. The responsibilities of a flight attendant are not limited to serving the passengers alone. They need to take part in many other activities. In fact, without their active participation, it is impossible to run a flight. So, it is expected that the flight attendants should be the model to be followed everywhere.

They should come with proper education and training. Their manners should be the finest one. they should be professional but cordial. They are expected to response in all situations, and the responses should be both for the passengers and the employer. And definitely, they should not have tattoos or body piercing with them. This is the idea of a flight attendant in the modern day. There are no troubles with the tattooing or body piercing. But it should be avoided as it makes the decent look of the flight attendants indecent.

But there are some exceptions and some of the airline companies are flexible with the tattooing and body piercing issue. They allow their flight attendants to retain their tattoos but on a limited scale. Provided that the tattoos should not be visible at any state and before the passengers or when they are on duty. Besides, there are some other restrictions as well with the tattoo issues.   

When you will wear the uniform, you have to ensure that the tattoos are covered under the uniform. If the tattoos are seen, you need to take preventive measures like covering the tattoos with makeups or by applying skin colour paints or take other initiatives to remove them. In fact, you are to follow the instructions about tattoo or body piercing from your airline.

The best way to avoid such troubles is having no tattoos or body piercing. If you do not have any tattoo or body piercing, don’t get them. If you get them for your hobby or for making yourself smart and stylish, in the long run, you are to suffer for them a lot. 

Final words:

There is a saying that opinions differ based on people and situation. The thing which appears most suitable to you may prove the most unessential element to others. It is all about situations. Everyone is to follow the situations. If they do not follow the situational rules or try to break them, the outcomes are never desirable. The use of tattoos or body piercing may appear a fashion or an indicator of modernism to you. But the thing might have any different meaning to others.

Become a Flight attendant/ Cabin Crew

[Image Source:]

You might have tattooed with the sight of a gun or revolver, whereas it may be a sign of rebellion to others. So, the thoughts will not be the same always. The best way to resolve such controversial issues is not to participate in such things which may fuel the controversy. When you will be playing the role of a flight attendant, your primary duty would be serving the passengers and follow the other instructions. But if you are tattooed or pierced your body, you might fall under criticism from various quarters. It may reduce your productive ability and bring a defame for your airline as well.

Thus, removing tattoos or body piercing is a great way to have the job of a flight attendant. The aviation industry is looking for those who have a healthy practice of living a decent life without the body piercing and tattoos. Hope you would understand the depth of the matter and give up the intention of tattooing or piercing your body for the sake of a bright career.

Wish your overall success in the passage of becoming a successful flight attendant.


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