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10 mistakes on the interview day for the Cabin Crew job

Everyone wants to get their dream job. But this is not possible for all of them. Only a few of them get the job as they were after it wholeheartedly. In fact, getting the dream job is not a simple issue as it is thought. There are some usual ideas that only after applying, anyone can get a job. But those are myths now. It is not possible to get a job only after applying in the present days. As an applicant, you need to be careful about many important issues. When the job is about becoming a flight attendant, the restrictions and rules are more than the ordinary jobs. This is the nature of the job.

The job of a flight attendant comes with some special responsibilities which are not present in the ordinary jobs. The flight attendants need to be skilled in many aspects so that they could make the journey of the passengers comfortable. In line with this responsibility, the cabin crews need to do many other things. If they do not have the right skill and expertise for the job, they are not selected. This is the job only for the best people who have extraordinary skills to do the usual things in a different way. If they cannot do the things perfectly, they would be unable to take part in the job. Besides, the cabin crew recruiters require some people who would be efficient and make no mistakes during their jobs.

Well, the cabin crew recruiters seek for angles but actually, they get humans with mistakes. It is natural that the humans will make mistakes and they will learn from it. But in certain conditions, they are unable to learn and miss the chances of becoming a cabin crew. In fact, in those moments, they do not have anything to learn. Rather, this is the time to demonstrate your qualities. And making a single or simple mistake owns the potentials to ruin your career on the position of cabin crew. So, when you are on the interview board for the position of a cabin crew, you cannot afford any mistake there.

Therefore, it is better to know some of the usual mistakes. If you are aware of the mistakes, you would be able to amend them before you approach for a cabin crew interview. This article deals with some common mistakes that everyone commits right before the cabin crew interview. But if you want a success in the interview, you need to avoid the mistakes. Knowing the events in prior will help to be familiar with the mistakes and once they come to know the mistakes, they will be able to avoid them consciously. Besides, knowing about the mistakes also helps to build confidence in the cabin crew applicants. In fact, if you know your weakness, you will also know the ways to avoid them.

Here is a list of 10 usual mistakes that the cabin crew applicants make during their interview. Hope, the details would be beneficial for them and they will get the cabin crew uniform easily.

So, let’s start with the details.

# 1. Being late

This is one of the very common mistakes of cabin crew candidates. They often make late to arrive at the interview board. The late is made for many reasons. It has been found that only a few of the cabin crew applicants arrive in time while the rest of them are late. There might be numerous excuses behind making the late. But it should be kept in mind that this is the place of professionalism. No issues will be allowed here which breaks the rules and regulations. When you are asked to be at 8.00am, you have to be there before 8.00 so that you do not miss the appointment.

The candidates make late for different reasons and one of the most important ones is not being organised. They remain disorganised till the morning or the interview. They do not know what to wear, which documents to take with them or where the interview will take place. Besides, they also do not know which route they will use to move for the interview centre. Finally, in the morning, they try to complete all the tasks together. They try to get the best outfit to make them look smart and gorgeous. But unluckily, they do not get the right outfit to wear on that day. They are also in trouble to collect the documents to take with them. And they also make late to get the transports to reach the destination.

All these things cause the late for the cabin crew applicants. Even if they do not want to make late, they are late as they do not have the necessary preparations. So, to avoid being late to the interview board, it is wise to get prepared the previous day of the interview. A cabin crew applicant should prepare the necessary documents together in a specific place so that s/ he could get the documents at the right time. Moreover, the cabin crew applicant should also decide what to wear on the day and accordingly select the attires. Selecting the route and mode of transport to the interview location is another important task.

If you can complete all the aforesaid tasks in the previous night of the interview, it is expected that you will be able to avoid the delay on road. As a result, your chance of success will also increase. In fact, the aviation authority emphasises the punctuality issue.

# 2. The wrong attire

What to wear on an interview day? Yes, this s a great question to answer. Many of the cabin crew applicants are baffled on this day with their right outfit. They experience an indecision about the matter. So, they cannot get the wrong outfit for the day. Some of the candidates actually do not have any idea about the attires for the interview day of cabin crew. So, they do not care about the dresses and come to the interview centre with what they prefer to wear on the regular events. But they have to understand that this is a place of professionalism. Everyone here is professional. To sustain yourself, you also need to be professional in all possible terms.

You might love wearing jeans and T-shirts regularly. You prefer to wear them even when you are at a nightclub or having a date with your girlfriend. But when you will be asked to attend an interview, you will need to be aware of the issue. If you do not care about your attires and just believe in yourself, you are on a wrong track. The aviation industry is not the place for geniuses. This is the place where you will have to struggle each of the moment. With each of your efforts, you will be able to climb on the peak of success. But to reach there, you are to be attentive on your outfits.

When you will be asked to attend an interview for the cabin crew, you need to keep in mind that this is a formal place. You also need to be formal in every possible manner. Your outfit should be appropriate with the theme of the day. You are not going to walk to the beach or park in the evening. So, the outfit, whatever we put on, should be decent and nice. With a nice attire, your beauty will be expanded and you will also look stunning. It will make you confident and you can have the chance to win your luck. Therefore, it is imperative to wear the right attire for a cabin crew interview. 

# 3. Poor portfolio

This is another mistake that the cabin crew applicants do on the interview day. Their portfolio is not enriched as it was supposed to be. Usually, a portfolio is the combination of a person’s curriculum vitae, photos, necessary documents and certificates from your educational institutions. There are few people who are well organised with the portfolio issue. They do not care if all the necessary documents are in order or not. When they are asked to show their documents, they cannot show the documents instantly. They need to dive inside their portfolio to bring the required document. Moreover, when they are asked to show their detailed curriculum vitae, they cannot show that as the curriculum vitae needs correction or filled with unwanted information.

Portfolio management is a great issue that nobody cares. But this is an important aspect for the aspiring candidates of cabin crew. They need to be aware of it for many reasons. First of all, the portfolio represents them to the recruiting authority. When they cannot present the portfolio before the recruitment authority, it casts a negative impression against the candidates. Besides, the interviewing board tries to challenge such candidates in many ways as they do not prefer them for the insincerity. If they would have been sincere, they would be careful about the portfolio. A disorganised or poor portfolio is never appreciated in the aviation industry.

Hence, it is imperative to improve the portfolio. You should have a detailed CV of yours. The CV should be written in perfect English. It also should avoid the unnecessary matters like your birthplace, your grandparents’ marriage day and similar other information. Rather, the CV should contain the information that would be helpful to judge your worth by the cabin crew recruiters. The CV may include information about your academic credentials. The portfolio should also include a nice photo of you. The necessary documents should be placed one after another so that you can get them within a second or on demand.

By this way, you can make your portfolio enriched and attract attention from the recruiters. If your portfolio is with the right things and documents, there are chances that you will be one of the lucky people to have the job.

# 4. Inattentive listener

This is another usual mistake that the cabin crews commit during an interview day. The majority of the cabin crew candidates do not pay attention what they listen in the interview centre. Typically, the initial interviews for recruiting cabin crews takes an entire day to be completed. As an aspiring candidate, you have to become an attentive listener. When you are listening to the people of the interviewer, you will get various information that will be helpful for you later. Usually, the initially selected applicants are invited to attend the primary interview. The interview begins in the early part of the morning and lasts till the evening. But the interview schedule and type may vary based on the airlines. The standard procedure is to start the initial interview in the morning and close it by the evening.

By this time, you will have to stay with the recruiting authority. When you will be with them, you will get various types of notifications and information. You are supposed to pay attention to each of the information you receive. There are some types of candidates who love to socialise even in the interview board. Meeting new people is a new experience to them. So, they start gossiping with the other people and create a nice environment. Everybody present at the place, except the interviewers, start loving them. But they remain too busy to discuss many issues with the other people and forget to pay attention what have been told to them.

So, the best way is to remain active at the interview centre but talk less with the other people present there so that you can pay attention to the other details. Keep in mind that you are there for a job interview, and should be attentive to the things and matters that happen before you. If you become inattentive, it will reduce your capacity and also will make you inferior to the other candidates. Moreover, if you fail to notice any important information like your schedule of the interview, for talking with others, you may lose your candidature instantly. The aviation authority is strict about the matter and does not allow its cabin crews to talk unnecessarily with the passengers or others.

# 5. Excessive Interest on Compensation Packages

It is unusual that almost all of the cabin crew candidates want to run after money. But they forget that this is a prestigious position. The compensation packages are also standard and attractive. Besides, a cabin crew is also entitled to many other facilities and the aviation industry does not expose the matters in prior. There are some candidates who want to know about everything of their compensation package even before they appear on the interview board. They start asking the question about their salary. They also want to know about the other benefits or how many tickets they will have to a year and much more. But asking such questions is not decent at all. The company will let you know about everything once you are selected for the position by proving your quality and competency.

If you ask questions like a fool during the question and answer session, certainly the recruiters will develop a negative idea about you. They may consider you as a greedy person as you will be willing to know everything about your benefits even before you are selected to contribute to the development of the company. Asking questions about the benefits, facilities or salaries appear inappropriate in such situations. There will be a time when the recruiting authority will inform you about the benefits. Before the time, they do not prefer to listen to such questions. But the majority of the applicants for the cabin crew position make this mistake.

The best idea to know about your benefits is to wait until the last moment. The recruiting authority will discuss the benefits of the successful candidates. When they will describe, they will tell everything in detail you need to know. But being excited about the job, many of the cabin crew aspirants move to the authority to know about the details of their benefits. During the question and answer session, you do not need to ask questions about the matters. You may remain silent and observe the situation. You only may ask questions about your compensation package when you will see that the authority does not tell anything about the matter. You have to wait till the last moment. Hope everything will go fine with you.

# 6. Non-professional Answers

The applicant cabin crews cannot become professional regarding their answers with the interview board. While interviewing, the candidates might be asked various questions and about their interest in the job. There are some common answers like – I like to travel or I like to meet newer people and culture and many more. To be frank, these answers are entirely unexpected from the authority. Have you ever thought that such answers will make the recruiting authority unhappy? In fact, they are not interested in listening about your personal hobbies. You may want to travel or may prefer to socialise with the unfamiliar people or you may want to see newer places free of costs. But that is completely your private issue and the authority is not worried about your private life. They exactly want to know about your intentions after becoming a flight attendant or cabin crew.

If you cannot satisfy them with some professional answers, there are chances that you will be rejected from this initial step. The cabin crew recruiters seek such a person who will be a professional in all terms and in all types of situations. But by the same time, there should be cordiality in your attitudes. You need to be professionally a perfect cabin crew. Your primary task will be assisting the passengers and other people in need while you are on the board of an aircraft. But if you say that you love to travel or you like to meet newer faces, it is possible that the aviation authority will not hire you to meet your personal requirements.

Further, another thing should be also kept in mind that when you will be asked for your personal presentation, you need to be focused on your skills, expertise and other potentials that would be beneficial for the aviation company. You can explain how will you serve the company or what types of benefits they can get from you. You will be asked a good number of questions about your past, present and future. When it will be about the service, they will ask you about future dreams with the company. This is a critical situation and you need to be extreme professional. You might have different plans inside your mind but never let them be out. Rather you may say some positive statements about the company and how you want to see it after five or ten years later and what will be your role in the changes ahead. Hope, this would be able to cast a positive impact on the interviewing body.

# 7. Lack of Confidence

This is one of the most important factors for a cabin crew. They are unable to show confidence during an interview. It seems that they are too worried about something and been suddenly asked to join the interview. But if you fail to be confident before the interview board, there are reasons to believe that you would not be confident enough to deal with the passenger or situations during a flight. In fact, the job of a cabin crew has some specific responsibilities. They need to take care of the passengers and other people during the flight. They also need to be prepared for multiple unexpected situations and even they are trained for many weird jobs too. To perform all the things, self-confidence is a must for them. If the cabin crew candidate shows the lack of confidence, it is supposed that the person would be unable to handle the situations and create a mess around.

Hence, you are to show confidence. The best way to show confidence is speaking with a moderate voice. Your voice neither should be loud nor should be reduced. It should be clear and you should utter every word with confidence. You also need to be careful about the word selection. You need to select every word carefully that will mean something different to the interview board. It will express your boldness and confidence. Once you are proven bold, you will get the necessary supports automatically from the interview board. You also should have a very positive attitude and there should be a balance between your voice and attitude. If you show a positive attitude but talk slowly or softly, it will refer that you are suffering from lack of confidence.

Accordingly, this is important to be careful about the matter. Make sure you maintain the balance of your body and speech. Sometimes there are some candidates who actually do not know how to respond. Only for not being able to respond correctly, they are not selected on the board. They also need to learn to be confident. This is true that everyone cannot be confident always but there are times when they need to act like that they are confident. They need to be bold for the sake of their job and if they cannot be, they need to behave like they are bold and confident. If they get the job, they gradually will be so. But the majority of the cabin crew candidates make the mistake in the interview board.

# 8. Suffer in Superiority Complex

This is a serious mistake by the aspiring cabin crews in an interview board. They try showing arrogance and make this grave mistake. You are to consider that you are there for a job. So, your attitude should be accordingly. The recruiting authority will not look about your background or family history or what is your class or title is. Rather they will focus on what you can do for them. As a result, they will focus on you only then when you will contribute to their growth. They will carefully measure your outlooks and other matters too closely, and definitely, the entire process will remain hidden to you. Besides, they will also care if you are behaving simply or there are some other issues with your behaviour. In simple words, the aviation industry does not prefer candidates with arrogance. When they find candidates too proud for their ego, they do not consider them as their cabin crews.

Actually, when people are affected with their ego, they are unable to deliver the right services to people. They remain highly aware of the fact that they should not be inferior and they will leave tasks that do not match with their status. But when you will be in the position of a cabin crew, you will need to do even the tasks that you have never done before. If you are under superiority complex, you would be unable to do the tasks comfortably. In fact, when there is superiority complex inside your mind, you will feel that you are not suitable for the position and gradually will feel alienated in the team.

Thus, being simple in behaves and manners is a precondition for becoming a cabin crew. When you will find arrogance in your character, you need to control them. You are there for a job and you need a decent living. The job will provide the necessary things you need for your life. So, you have to be cordial and remove the unwanted egoistic matters from your heart. You need to work in a team and there will be multicultural people. But if you continue your ego, you would be a complete failure. So, the best idea is to remove the arrogance from your nature (if you are affected with that).

# 9. Criticising Former Employer

Some of the cabin crew applicants criticise their former employers and this is another weighty mistake for them during a cabin crew interview. This is a usual event that the existing cabin crew recruiters may ask you about reasons for leaving the past job. There might be situations that have compelled you to give up the job. But it is unwise to describe everything in detail before the present employer. You might be victimised on internal politics or any other issues that were not in your favour or control. So, you had to leave the job. Besides, there might be reasons that you protested against any injustice and was fired from the job. So, it appears that there are many such reasons which are responsible for leaving the job. But whatever the reasons are, it would be foolish to tell the issues to the interviewing authority and most of the cabin crew candidates do this at the interview board.

If you tell something negative against your former employer, they interviewing board will take it as a sign of ingratitude. It is not unusual that they will consider you will also badmouth about them once you are out of this position to form the company which would be detrimental to the reputation of the company. Hence, there are chances that you would not be selected for the position of cabin crew in this specific airlines. Moreover, when you will try to create a negative impression for the other company where you worked for, it will make you unfit for the position. Because, you need to adjust with situations to a certain level and if you cannot, you may give up the job.

But it is indecent to badmouth about your former employer. The recruiters will not take the matter positively and also it will create an inconvenient situation for you inside the interview chamber. Please keep in mind that all the aviation companies are running their operation smoothly and there might be some issues that everyone will not appreciate. These are industry secrets. Certainly, the boss may be short-tempered and may shout always. But if you give up job for the shouts and describe the matter to the potential employer, you might be losing the job. Therefore, do not do such things at the interview board rather try to explain the matter in a positive point of view as per your needs.

# 10. Never smiles

In an interview day, most of the cases, the cabin crew applicants forget to smile. They remain worried and even they forget to socialise with their surrounding people. Yes, everyone who appeared there is the opponent but this is indecent not to talk and smile with the people. It might create a negative impression about you to everyone. A good number of candidates are seen sitting idly and with no smile on their face. It appears that they forget to smile on the interview board. But in reality, the matter is completely the opposite. The cabin crew recruiters want their candidates should be smart, confident and always wear a smile on face.

A smile on the face means you are friendly and approachable easily. But when you are with a face filled with worry, it will indicate that you are struggling with yourself. You are not confident and you lack friendliness. Besides, when you will smile, you will interact with the people which are a great quality for a cabin crew and the recruiters value it greatly. When you will smile and talk with the others in a friendly manner, it will be considered that you are able to socialise with multicultural people. You do not need to understand all the languages and cultures, the recruiting authority will check if you are able to adapt to the changes and how your attitude is for the other people.

Thereby, when you are on the interview board for the post of cabin crew, you need to be friendly. And the only way to show your friendliness is wearing a nice smile on the face. But make sure you are not wasting time with others or talking about sensitive issues at the interview centre. Each of your actions and acts will be accordingly as it is wanted by the authority. If you can do this, and if you have your luck with you, there are chances for you to be a proud member of the team.

Final Words

The aforementioned mistakes are the most usual ones that a cabin crew candidate commits during the interview day. It mostly happens for their ignorance for the preparation process. They remain highly worried about the interview board questions and how they will deal them. Moreover, they are also busy in preparing some usual questions and answers. But they forget the most important aspects of an interview day. They do not have the idea about the other preparatory matters. Thus they cannot prove their competency even if they have.

Even some of the very best candidates are discarded from the initial list as they fail to show up with their potentials and skills. They make the mistake and as a result, the interviewing board cannot decide about them. So, it is easier for them to reject the candidates. They only prefer those who can demonstrate their skills naturally. There are some candidates who are able to exhibit the skills and expertise and own the capacity to lead a team. The interview board prefers such candidates and allow them for the next phase.

If you want to be a cabin crew and be successful in the cabin crew interview, you will need to know the mistakes and avoid them when you are there. You need to be bold and confident enough to deal with the situations. Remember the mistakes and keep a safe distance with them. Hope you would be successful in the interview. Also, do not forget that this is the place where only skills are evaluated and you need to expose your skills. If you hide your skills inside and think that the interviewers will dig them out, you are thinking in a wrong way.

It is you who is solely responsible for exposing yourself. Nobody knows you better than you. Hence, you are to exhibit your expertise in order to get the job or at least be selected in the initial stage. When the interviewing authority will come to know about you and your specialities, they will prefer you to be selected than the other candidates. In fact, without being bold, confident and smart, it is almost impossible to be a cabin crew. And the recruiting authority is set to check out if you are suitable for the position. So, your success depends on you. Expose yourself. Make the world yours.


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