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A road map to be selected in an aviation company as a Cabin Crew

The job of a cabin crew is one of the most rewarding positions. Hence, a large number of people apply for the job. But only a few of them become able to get that. This is a highly competitive job. Sometimes, it becomes harder to get the job of flight attendant than having the PhD degree. Among the applicants, less than 10 percent people get the job for it takes only the best people from them. In fact, if you cannot demonstrate the qualities required for the position, it is expected that you will not get the job for many reasons.

The job attracts over 250,000 applications per year and only 100 or 200 of them are getting selected. It happens due to the high competition in the job and also for its challenging nature. In fact, it is extremely difficult to stand alone and get the job amid thousands of people. If you do not have any extraordinary qualifications and quality, you are not expected to have the position. You need to have the excellence in delivering the cabin crew services and accomplishing all the other necessary responsibilities assigned for the position. So, you need some special types of preparations and a particular set of skills so that you can prove your worth as a perfect cabin crew.

Cabin Crew Selection Process - The roadmap
[Image source:]

The article is about the preparations for the interview of a cabin crew. Many of the applicants are unaware of the complete process of interviewing and thus they become a failure in becoming a cabin crew. If they are well aware of the selection and interviewing process, it would be helpful for them to get some idea and get prepared at the same time. In fact, the success for a cabin crew job relies on the preparatory stage. If you have the right knowledge, know the important factors, take a good preparation and apply the knowledge on the interviewing board, you will get the job certainly.

The contribution of luck is minor here. You will be successful if you can demonstrate your skills and expertise to the interviewers. The aviation companies seek for the very best people who will be able playing the role confidently and earn a good reputation for the company.

Here is A road map to be selected in an aviation company as a Cabin Crew. Hope the details would be helpful for the aspiring candidates to develop some ideas about the job and apply the ideas when they are on the interview board.

Let’s begin …

How to demonstrate your expertise?

The very first and most important thing before applying for the job of a cabin crew is to know about the job. Secondly, it comes to learn about the company you are applying for. If you know your job you will to the challenges and obstacles on your way to success. When you will come to know about the requirements of your company, you will be able to know everything regarding the job and take the necessary preparations to deal with the obstacles.

Unluckily, the majority of the candidates are unaware of the entire application and interview procedure of the post. So, they apply here randomly and get discarded from the initial selection. This is an attractive job and needs to in on serving the passengers and other clients. So, the job descriptions to in the advertisement. But most of the applicants do not look at the job responsibilities and apply for the job by only checking the rewards. This is a common trend among the youths. They are unwilling to waste times on reading the other matters that consists a job advertisement. So, they get discarded from the initial selection list as they do not match the selection criteria.

Now the question is – how to start for a cabin crew position?

The answer is simple. You need to know the following things

•    Preparing a CV/ resume
•    Taking photos
•    Know the job description
•    Know about your company
•    Online application submission  
•    Necessary document copies
•    Interview structure
•    Innovation

Here we will discuss some of the notable aspects of becoming a cabin crew. These would be helpful for the aspiring candidates.

Your CV – this is the most important thing for a cabin crew applicant. There are various formats available for a CV. But it should be kept in mind that the CV should be standard. It should not contain the unnecessary statements or information about you. In fact, a CV (curriculum vitae) is the representation of yourself to the employer in your absences. So, if the CV is not up to the mark, you cannot expect that the employer will look into your CV. Actually, they have much more things to do instead of looking at an incomplete CV for the post of cabin crew.

If the CV is not attractive or contains any unnecessary information, the CV will be placed on the waste paper bin within a few seconds. Actually, the cabin crew recruiters require CVs with precise information. They want that the CV should be written completely and your qualities will match with the job description. The employers are well informed about the job descriptions and hence, they will look into the qualities which will match with their requirements. If they do not match the employers’ expectation, they discard the CVs without a second thought as they are to sort out many more CVs for the post.

Therefore, it is important to prepare a CV that will represent you and your qualification, expertise, skills and other requirements by the authority. The CV format should be attractive and the language should be smart. You have to avoid unwanted information to increase your CV pages. Only there should be some filtered information that would be helpful to confirm your candidature against the post. Further, you are to submit the CV in the prescribed manner. If the authority asks to submit it by mail, you need to follow the method. If they ask for a pdf version, send it accordingly. Please make sure you put the exact information as it is wanted. 

Photo – photo is another crucial factor for the position of cabin crew. In fact, they represent you to the authority than your CV more. When a CV is submitted to the authority, the first thing that the people on the selection board do is looking at the photos. If the photos look good, smart and attractive, they become curious to know about the candidate. So, the importance of photos cannot be ignored here. the photos should be edited. It is better to capture the photos from a professional photographer. There are many benefits of capturing photos with the help of a professional. Usually the professional photographers are aware of the importance of photos and accordingly, they try to meet the needs of the people.

On the contrary, if you try capturing photos by yourself or by from any novice, the photos will not be presentable. Photography is an art and thus it requires skilled people to practice the art. It is wise to take help from the skilled. If everything goes right but your photos are not up to the standard, the authority will not ask you for further interviews. The chapter of your cabin crew career will be closed within next few seconds if your photo is unattractive of if you fail to impress the initial selection committee.

Hence, the necessity of photos is great. Sometimes, the airline companies prescribe photo types and you are to submit photos accordingly. If you do not submit the photos in an exact manner, your application might be rejected. So, you are to know the dimensions of photos and arrange them in the exact size and shape. Sending a passport size photograph may not help you get selected for the job. Rather, the photos should express regardless of your gender. If you are female, take the photos that will help to express your beauty. If you are a male, ask the photographer to represent your muscular features. Finally, ask the photographer to edit the photos nicely so that they could be presentable anywhere.

They notice your attires – You have crossed the initial barriers. Now, this is time to focus on the other issues like your dress, personal traits, appearance and so on. Let’s discuss about the dress. When you will be asked to attend the open or closed door interview, you need to take the right attire for the day. Yes, there are some people who always like to wear casual attires. So, when they are for any formal occasion, they do not forget to wear their casual attires too. But this is wrong. They need to understand the importance of situations. If they are unable to understand the situations, they will be unable to be successful and particularly in the career of a cabin crew.

Besides, there are some dress codes available and you are to follow them. In fact, without wearing the uniform or the specific dress, the cabin crews are not allowed to board on the aircraft. The uniform is also important for some other reasons too. Actually, the cabin crews are the ambassador for any airline. They help to form the image for an aviation company. If they do not have a striking look, it would be a defame for the airline company. Hence, the company seeks those people who are formal in their attires. If they are not sincere from the beginning, it would be difficult to make them look attractive. The airline recruiters believe that the people who dress well are also the best people to be relied on.

Therefore, you need to be careful about your attires from the moment you are applying for the position of a cabin crew. On the day of an interview, you need to change yourself. If you prefer casual attires, leave them for the day. Try putting on some formal and attractive clothing so that you look handsome and beautiful. Wearing a formal attire will also help you gain the necessary confidence to face the interview questions.

Personal appearance – this is the chance to get the ticket for cabin crew jobs. In fact, some of the candidates get out from this stage. This is the initial stage to prove your skills for the position. Only wearing some striking outfits will not make you skilled and desired for the post. Rather, you should also have the true skills to provide comfort to the passengers during the flight and handle all the other necessary situations. Here, personal appearance is not all about your physique, it is about your smartness and how you think about the problems.   

When you will be at the interview board, the interviewers will try to get information about you. They will talk with you friendly while some of them may also get rude to you as well. All these are their tricks to know your responses during the initial interview. If you can pass the barriers, hope you would get an invitation for the next phase. But to cross the obstacles, you will need to show your skills and expertise. As a cabin crew, you might be asked various types of questions and if you can answer them well using your ready wits and smartly, hope you will get the job or at least be selected for the next session.

Thereby, the issue of personal appearance is an important factor here. If your personal traits are not acceptable, they will inform you about your lacking. If you cannot show your personal skills necessary for the position for a cabin crew, your chances are almost zero. Personal appearance is a great factor to enter into the kingdom of cabin crews. If you can exhibit your appearance just as it is desired, you will get a warm welcome.

Interview questions – this is the most important part of the position of a cabin crew. Usually, the cabin crews are considered as the ambassador of the airlines. So, they need to be smart in every term and all of their statements and behaves should be according to the rule so that no issue arises with them. Hence, the recruiting authority asks various types of questions. The questions are mostly asked to bring out the inner knowledge of the candidates. As a result, the questions are different from the other types of questions. Besides, the answers are also different from usual answers.

This is a very good way to express the applicants who are competing for the post of cabin crews. In the first attempt, this is a must for the applicants to gain respect from the interviewers. They need to do so as it would be helpful for them to pass the barrier. Besides, it also would be beneficial for the cabin crews to command over the passengers at a height of over 30,000 feet. It is a kind of special test for the cabin crews to spread their command. If they can bring the situation at the interview board under their control, it is expected that they would also be able to handle the situations during the flight.

So, to make everything clear, the recruiters ask various types of questions. It is the duty of the cabin crews to learn about as many questions as possible for them. When they will know the questions, they will create answers for them. Besides, they can modify the answers to their needs and necessity. The answers to all questions will not be the same. Hence, they need to practice the answers before moving for a formal interview. In fact, without a very good homework, you cannot answer the questions well. While answering them, you need to be bold and smart. It will make you feel confident and try to answer all the questions if possible.

Teamwork – teamwork is an important aspect of the career of a cabin crew. If you are unable to play your roles in a team, you are not suitable for the job. In fact, the cabin crews in an aircraft is a type of team. So, to judge the capacity of the potential cabin crews, the recruiting authority organises for teamwork and some other participatory games. The games and works are designed to be done in a team. So, without being a team member, it is really hard to pass the stage for the potential cabin crews.

In most of the cases, the applicants do not care about this matter of teamwork. Rather they try to focus on individual performances. So, when they are asked to work in a team, they concentrate for only themselves. This is a great issue that the recruiter's notice and those who are not team players actually cannot hide themselves. Their real character is revealed. And the airline authority does not want any self-centered people to bear the post of cabin crew.

This is a pre-testing for the cabin crews that if they would be helpful to the fellow cabin crews or not. If it is seen that the potential candidates are not assisting the others, they come to the decision to relieve the applicants from the candidature. On the other sides, candidates who are really team players reveal their passion for the team. In fact, this is the best way to select the right candidate for the airlines. So, the candidates need to be careful when they are asked to participate in the teamwork or participatory gaming session. Almost all the tasks are set to discover your inner self. When you will take part in the sessions, the employer will take a sharp look at you and the other competitors. If they smell the slightest issue of non-cooperation, your candidature is cancelled instantly.

Body language – Body language is an important part of the cabin crew interview process. The cabin crew recruiters need to communicate with the passengers and other people. So, they need a special communication skill. Body language helps to communicate effectively. When you want to talk with someone, you certainly make some physical movements. The movements also show your attitude – either you are having a positive attitude towards the person or on the issue, or you own an aggressive attitude. Based on your attitude, the message is delivered to a great extent.

If you smile a lot and have a soft body language, it will express that you are positive and communicate effectively. But if you are nor seen laughing, and your physical appearance is not up to the mark, it will be considered that you are not helpful. Accordingly, the passengers will be afraid of seeking help from you. At last, you would be a failure in this sector. But if you had a different body language, particularly as like the industry demand, you would have won the job.

The majority of the applicants are completely unaware of the fact. They actually do not know how to speak with their body language. They also do not have the idea about situations and what would be the body language for them to prove them friendly in such situations. In fact, there might be many unpredictable situations during a flight. And the aviation industry prefers people with positive attitudes to everything.

A Second Language – if you want to be a flight attendant, you need to know a second language. In fact, this is one of the must thing you should know. When you will be working as a cabin crew, the prime responsibility is to communicate with the passengers and take care of their comforts. Besides, you would be the ambassador for your organisation. So, if you cannot speak a second language fluently, you would become unsuccessful to serve the passengers and other clients of your airline. Here, the second language mostly refers to English because this is an international language and spoken all over the world.

The aviation industry is extremely careful about the issue of the second language. If the cabin crews are unable to speak the second language, it is a matter of great regret for the airline companies. It is an essential matter for each of the cabin crews for many reasons. The cabin crews are supposed to work with diversified people and their languages and cultures are not the same. So, when a local of Africa will ask something, the person will use the English language. On the contrary, if the cabin crew is unable to communicate in English, it would be a failure for the airline company.

Hence, the aviation industry greatly emphasises on learning a second language. They actually appreciate applicants who have a great command over the English language. In the present day, it is impossible to communicate internationally if you lack the knowledge of English. It has become a global language now and is spoken around the world. As a cabin crew, you will need to talk with people of different classes and almost all of them know English. Preparing oneself with the language increases the chances of getting the job of a cabin crew.

Final Words

Becoming a flight attendant or a cabin crew is not a simple matter as it is thought. Usually, people have some common ideas about the post of a cabin crew. They take it too easily and hope to get the job. But in the long run, they do not get selected even primarily as they do not maintain the proper process. As a result, there are some misconceptions about the job. In fact, this is the job for the bold people. This is a job for those who are able to adjust with any situation and know how to deal with people technically. Besides, it also requires meeting all the necessary requirements by the aviation industry.

It is unwise to blame the luck if someone could not be able to become a cabin crew. This is not the matter of luck. It is all about your skills, expertise and knowledge about the job. You need to do some home works before appearing the interview. Most of the people do the similar things like they just only read the job advertisements and apply for it without being aware of the other issues. So, when they are asked to tell about the job, they fail. It is only their incompetence that they did not have the homework. 

Further, sometimes they feel frustrated to apply for the job once they are not invited for the interview. But they need to be patient keep applying until they are invited. If everything goes right with them, certainly they will be invited for the formal interview.

To be one of the selected candidates, you will need to be mature enough and fit in every manner to bear the roles assigned to you. What you need most is to be confident enough to deal with the responsibilities. Your mental faculty should be strong and you need to be smart to adjust with any unwanted situations. If you can feel so and have the intention to build your career in the aviation industry, you will be welcomed.

But you need to keep in mind that this is really a challenging job. Everything might go usual but when there will be ‘situations’, you will need to be strict and play your roles. You might need to be strict, or might be the leader. Whatever the rules are, you have to carry them and bring everything under your grip. You will be rewarded too for the roles but the most important thing is your personal skill development that will allow you to be a successful individual.

Wish your all success on the role of cabin crew.


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