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Interesting Misconceptions/ Lies about cabin crews

The job of a cabin crew is really interesting. It provides them with a good number of benefits and perks. They also enjoy the job more than any other profession. In fact, the job of a cabin crew is a dream for many. This is a job that comes with a good number of attractive facilities for the cabin crews. But in return, the cabin crews are to pay back the facilities by hard work. They are to work relentlessly day and night. They even need to work for over 15 or 16 hours in a day or during a flight.

Moreover, there are some other issues that majority of the people do not know. The issues are termed as industry secrets. Actually, every industry has its own secrets for success and they do not share the secrets. But there are some important issues, which could not be set hidden for long. Some of them are exposed in various ways and people get some ideas about them.   

It should be kept in mind that not all the secrets are positive and often the aviation industry takes the shelter of lies. The lies are told by the cabin crews. They are trained to be so. In fact, the more you can tell lies, the more the chances of rising in the career. Many of the people are unaware that they are exposed to lots of lies by the cabin crews. There are some misconceptions about the secrets and interestingly, most of the people enjoy such events. It happens as they cannot understand the reality behind the misconceptions.

The article aims to inform you about some interesting aspects that are beyond the idea of the ordinary people and even some of the cabin crews are also not informed about those. But they are to follow the norms. There are some unwritten terms and conditions available in this industry and every cabin crews need to follow them without raising any question. The remaining article will describe some of the usual misconceptions about the matter. 

“I love the job”
When you ask a cabin crew how he/ she feels about the job, there is a usual reply. The reply is “I love my job very much”. But in reality, the cabin crews cannot love their jobs very much for multiple reasons. This is true that the job provides them with a large amount of money for a standard living and other benefits and perks for their life. But at certain times, the life become hell for them. They cannot manage time for themselves and some of them cannot even enjoy the benefits that they receive from the employer owing their extreme engagement with the flights.

To make the issue clear, I think some simple statements are enough. A cabin crew gets huge facilities and in line with the increase of experience, s/ he gets more privilege from the company. But s/ he has to make a balance in between his private life and professional life. Most of the cases, there are no private lives for the cabin crews. They become unable to manage their families. They cannot be at home in due time. They are unable to attend social events and it is also seen that they have to remain absent from their own family events at times. They need to be attentive to their career.

Considering the ground, some of them may be happy but a big section of the cabin crew society is unhappy with the job. They may say that they love their jobs but this is to satisfy the customers. It is merely a simple expression to provide people with an idea that how interesting the job of a cabin crew is. They would be happy if they had the leaves in time, or if they had chances to set their duties based on their necessities.

Misconceptions about cabin crews

Telling lie typically
Most of the times, the cabin crews need to tell lies to the passengers and other clients related to the aviation industry. They tell lies in such a manner that it appears everything is normal and under control. Even when there are some serious situations, they do not tell the truth to the passengers. They have been trained not to tell the truth in such conditions for many reasons. The passengers of the aircraft are not from the same background. And so, their level of dealing with adverse situations is almost zero.

So, if they come to know about the detrimental impacts or situations, they may create noise or might may be panicked which also may lead to unwanted situations. So, to control the situations, they need to tell lies in a manner that nothing has happened. Flights are not always blissful. The cabin crews and other aviation staffs are aware of the issues. To cover up the risks, they do not reveal the actual scenario to the passengers. If the passengers come to know about the unfavourable weather conditions or any undesired situations outside, they would be unable to control themselves.

Further, the lie actually begins immediately after a passenger boards in the aircraft. The cabin crew welcomes him/ her with a smiling face. But they do not smile from their heart actually. This is a professional smile and a kind of lie for the passengers. They do not come to know about the fake smile and become happy that they are greeted cordially. Sometimes, the meaning is opposite inside the mind of the cabin crews. If they ask you to seek help to them, in their mind they own a negative view, they do not expect calls from you for assistance. They want you to do things for yourself.  

“Getting you back, shortly”
This is another common issue for the cabin crews. They tell the passengers on board that they would come back within a short time with the necessary information. When any passenger wants to know about any information and seeks help to the flight attendants, they assure the passenger that they will provide the necessary information. But in reality, they cannot provide or do not provide the information. There are many reasons behind the matter.

When the cabin crews work long hours, they lose the inspiration to work anymore on the same flight. But they need to complete their duty and until the flight is over, they need to stay inside the metal tube at the height of 35,000 feet. So, they cannot be blamed for the non-cooperation with the passengers. Besides, the scenario may also turn the opposite. They may forget to bring the information or they may be unable to get the information. For instance, a cabin crew went to the cockpit to know about the weather update. But s/ he finds that the pilot and the copilot both are busy in communicating with the nearest airport for a sudden landing due to the rough weather. In this case, it is inappropriate to ask about the updates of weather. Hence, they cannot provide the information to the passengers.

On the other side, there are some cabin crews who are not paid well. They lose the motivation to work anymore with the airline company. But they are to complete their duties as long as they are with the airline. But they seem not to be interested in serving the passengers. The perform the minimum duties assigned on them. In such cases, the passengers will not get the desired service. As a result, the passengers will be displeased with the airline but they will not know the truth behind their dissatisfaction.

 “It’s nothing”
When you smell something strange inside the aircraft, surely you will ask about the issue the on duty cabin crews or any other staffs. They have a simple answer – “This is nothing” or “This is usual, Sir!” But often the answers are unable to satisfy everyone on board in the aircraft. So, they may also become curious as well about the issue. For instance, you heard a strange noise coming out from the rear side of the aircraft. You want to know about the source of the noise. You asked for help to know the details.

But whenever you asked the matter to someone, you are told to be patients and it was nothing. Some may tell the same thing in a different manner. They may tell you that everything is working fine or also may say that there is a minor issue and it will be normal in a moment. The cabin crews will not let you know the real fact. In fact, this is not the rule to let the passengers know about the inner happenings of an aircraft. It may lead to reputation loss and other losses as well. The aviation industry is extremely cautious about the matters and thus they take precautions.

The cabin crews are trained to give the passengers a misconception about the events. Even if there are any accidents or serious troubles, the cabin crews will not let you know that. With a smiling face, they will try to relieve you from the agonies. They do not want the passengers to be panicked. Because if the passengers are panicked, they may create some undesirable situations that may lead to serious trouble during the flight. And this is really difficult to handle the troubles in the air than the ground. So, they take help of the lie to provide a misconception so that the passengers do not get worried. 

“It’s finished; we don’t have any more”
Travelling air requires lots of time. The duration of a flight may vary. If the distance is longer, you may need to stay in the aircraft for over 24 hours at a stretch. In this time, you may feel the necessity of various things. You may need foods, beverages or other types of drinks. Generally, this is a trend to take care of the passengers in such long journeys. So, the airline authorities always reserve the necessary foods, drinks and other beverages so that they could be served to the passengers and other aircraft staffs. But sometimes, the scenario is changed. The stuff are not well maintained.

Often the cabin crews refute the demands if someone asks for any particular thing twice or based on needs. The cabin crews reply that the things are left no more. In fact, there are few reasons behind such responses. The passengers or the people who have asked for the things need to remain happy with what they have or they can take something else. Usually, the cabin crews have to be very busy during a flight time. They cannot even manage time for themselves as well during the journey. So, they develop a tendency to avoid requests.

Actually, responding to a request means that they have to go back in the galley and bring the thing for the passenger. The required foods or beverages might not be over but the cabin crews are unwilling to serve the things fearing the double movement. In fact, they have to cover all the passengers and meet their needs. So, when they are asked to do the same task twice, they try to escape the tasks with the excuse that there are no more things left on the store. They do not want to go and check the things for the passengers who have requested for.

“That’s not a problem”
This is a familiar term from the cabin crews. Almost all of the cabin crew are familiar with the term and they also apply the term in their day to day life during the flights. They most use the statement when someone asks them to do something. To make the issue clear, an example could be suitable here. If you ask a cabin crew to do something for you, s/ he might do that for you. In fact, they are obliged to do that thing for you. But inside the mind, there will be something else that the passenger will never know.

Generally, people ask for any support or favour to the cabin crews when they find them alone or they are seen resting in a place. But this is really a matter of irony that people only seek the support from the cabin crews when they are found in rest. The moment they are free of works might be a well-earned rest from the activities. And right in that moment, you are asking for help. It may make them feel disturbed. They use the similar statements as they are trained to do so. But in reality, they are reluctant to follow the orders or requests.

So, when they say that there are no problems, there are really some problems. But they will not allow you to know that. They are trained to keep the problems hidden from the outsiders. In fact, if they directly deny your order or request, you will feel ashamed as a passenger. By the same time, it will create a negative impression among the other passengers. As a result, the reputation of the airline company will come under risks. Thus, the airlines do not want to bear such risks. They train up the cabin crews in a manner so that they could smilingly serve you even if they do not want to serve right at that moment.   

If there are any mistakes committed by the cabin crews, they seek instant apology to the passengers. They have been trained so. There are numerous benefits of being sorry for the intentional and unintentional tasks during a flight. In fact, seeking apology is the best ways to make the passengers’ mouth shut. As I said before that the passengers start believing the aircraft and the cabin crews as their private properties, they behave as they want and the cabin crews are to handle the situations. So, when they cannot tolerate anymore with the irrational behaves, they might get involved in exchanging words with the passengers. The situations may worsen.

So, seeking apologies is the only solution. The passengers want their supremacy during the flight and you are providing the essence to them. The situation is under control. But in reality, the scenario is different. The cabin crews are not sorry at all. The apology they seek is merely the way to bring the matters under control. They also may seek to apologise in some other cases like when something is out of stock or runs out, the cabin crews seek apology to the passengers. But they should not be sorry for the events. It is not their duty to store foods- they just take care of the provided foods. If the foods run out, it is the liability of the person who was assigned to take care of the foods based on passenger numbers. 
Therefore, when the cabin crews say sorry, it may not mean that they are actually sorry at all. This is only a formal way to keep you calm. As a passenger, you will have nothing else to do except accept the situation. The cabin crew has sought an apology. It means the crew has surrendered with his inability. And so, there are no other ways to get the things done after your way. You are to accept this.

“Don’t worry. We are safe”
This is the other type of lie that the cabin crews are habituated with. In fact, this is the lie that helps to bring the situations under control. Accidents happen for many reasons. there are no specific issues that will cause the accidents. Hence, the airline authorities try to take all the precautionary measures to prevent the accidents. Besides, they also try to train up the cabin crews and other staffs about dealing such situations. They are trained to handle all such events in a cool head. Their reactions are sharp and know how to manage the situations.

So, when you will hear such words from them, you have to understand that there are some serious troubles. It may happen that any of the engines is not working, or there is a fire inside the aircraft or outside of the aircraft. But the most important issue about such event is not to be worried. The cabin crews and other staffs are trained to tackle the situations. They know what to do and how to response in such events of accidents.

But believing the words truly may give you a sense of peace during the flight and if there are any real accidents, or if the situations are beyond control you may experience a risk of your life. Usually, when a flight takes off, all the necessary precautionary measures are done and even the matters are checked several times. But accidents may happen for numerous unwanted reasons. A bird may cause the damage of an engine, fogs may create troubles of vision, fires can take place inside the aircraft and many more which cannot be listed. The cabin crews are well trained to deal with such events. So, when they say that everything is okay and no need to worry, it is really an issue of concern.

This is a misconception that the cabin crews will solve all the problems and will make a safe journey. Sometimes, you may also need to assist them to get out of the situations.

“I’ll note it on flight report”
Often the passengers want to complain about many issues. This is the reality that a large part of the on-board passengers are not satisfied with the services that they get from the airline authority. They demand something more and show an attitude that they deserve an extra care. But they are treated equally with the other passengers. In fact, the airline authority tries to show respect and care in the same level for every passenger. However, there might be some mistakes and those are undesirable. The cabin crews might commit any mistake that they did not want to do but had happened owing situational facts.

At that moment, there are some passengers who want to complain about the issues. They want to place a compline informing the details about the events that they experienced. Accordingly, they ask the cabin crews to note down the complaints or their suggestions. The cabin crews also note the complaint and inform the passenger that they will be informed. The cabin crews also express the similar opinion with the passengers about the complained issues. The cabin crews assure the passengers that the complaints will be taken care of and the authority will review the complaints carefully and let them know the feedbacks.    
This is really a terrific task for the cabin crews. They need to serve the passengers and when the flight is about the finish, they have to take the complaints. They keep patience and write down the complaints to the specific books. in reality, few of the complaints are taken care of. Actually, a few complaints are taken care of unless they are extremely serious.  

“Thank you for flying with us”

This statement may sound very polite and lucid to ear. It appears that the cabin crews are thanking the passengers for flying with their airline. This is true in some sense. But in most of the cases, this is a kind of mockery by the cabin crews. They do not actually expect you to be their passenger. They want that the less the passengers will be, the less they will have to work inside the aircraft during the flight. So, they do not want more passengers by their heart.

There are some reasons behind such preference of the cabin crews. When the passengers are on board, they start believing the cabin crews as their private property. So, they start abusing the facilities that they receive from the airline authority. As a result, the flight attendants become irritated with the behaves and attitudes. But they have nothing else to do except following your orders to a limit until it crosses the border. The cabin crews get a sense of relief once the flight is over. So, when they bid you a farewell, this is a kind of ridiculing the passengers. But the passengers are unable to realise the inner meaning.

When the cabin crews thank you for flying with them or their airlines, there are some other meanings of the statement is found. It also means that you might be at home instead of flying. But the passengers cannot identify the frustration in the tone of the cabin crews. So, they believe that it was a pleasure for the cabin crews to serve the passengers and they also want to ride on the same airline again and again.

Final Words
The life of a cabin crew is filled with adventure. But there are some risks as well. They have to adjust to every situation which is unknown to them. It is not confirmed that the training will be effective always. The cabin crews need to apply their own common sense and ready wits to get rid of the situations. They are also instructed to avoid almost all types of troubles related to the passengers. Hence, they have to say different things or they do various things.

As a result, the issues become highlighted and people generate some usual ideas about the job. Some misconceptions or lies grow among them. The topics discussed here are the most usual misconceptions and frequently used in the aviation industry. It is expected that the would be flight attendants will learn something from the discussion and similarly, the passengers will also have an idea how the life of cabin crew is and amend their attitude towards a cabin crew. Actually, the cabin crews are cordial and try to provide their best service to the passengers. But they at times become unable to show their best. Hence, the passengers should also be considerate in this matter.


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